Sunday, February 03, 2008

Monday's Gifts

The other night while sitting at a bountiful table of full glasses, incredible women and glowing candles I helped celebrate a dear friend’s birthday. While thoroughly enjoying the camaraderie and lively conversation I was reminded that love and kindness come in many shapes and sizes. This particular evening they came in the form of twinkle lights and paper flowers. And birthday cake. But it was the vision of all the delicate flowers that has lingered. Handmade by one of the talented and generous women there, each flower bloomed out of love. I covet the one I brought home as it allows me to relive an evening cloaked in the beauty of caring.

Although perhaps a little less poetic, sometimes kindness can come in the shape of palm sized pink rectangles. I hope that the very deserving children who receive the DS Lites from Nintendo will feel that they are cared for. I know it takes more than a gift but a little extra something special can be a bright spot. Although I had at first planned on sharing details and links about these kids, I thought better of it and felt that discretion felt a little more appropriate The stories that you so bravely shared were intimate enough to just hold close. But, I will tell you though that the gifts went to very good homes. Thank you all so much for participating. I wish I had a truckload of DS Lites to give away as every one of the children you shared with me IS deserving and worthy. That is for sure. So, again, thank you.

And in the spirit of all things bright and beautiful, let me ask you, what shape does your Best Shot take this week?


Melissa Stover said...

lovely post and a beautiful photo.
here's my Best Shot

Crunchy Domestic Goddess said...

what a beautiful flower. i would not have known it was made out of paper had you not mentioned it.

my best shot takes the form of mischief this week. ;)

have a wonderful week. :)

chaoticfamily said...

That sounds just amazing. How beautiful. The flower is so peaceful and serene looking.

Here is mine!

Blessed Nest said...

What a beautiful party and wonderful memories..the flower is amazing.

my best shot-confused

Unknown said...

those are handmade? wow...i love it. and the sentiment behind it is beautiful, too.

my BSM is up too.

Anonymous said...

A delicate, beautiful bloom and photo. Tracey, your words as well as photos always touch me. Thank you.

Mine is up. Each post I keep saying it won't be one of the boys, but we are simply going through so many growing pains together. So here it is...

Anonymous said...

Dang it! I keep forgetting to use HTML

Your Heart Hurts

Anonymous said...

The photo is beautiful... but so are your words.


natalie said...

I need to figure out the html thing so I can just post a link.

Anyway, my MBS is up.

Anonymous said...

Beautiful bright and beautiful can be found in the eyes of my sweet little niece.

Bonnie said...

That is beautiful !!

Mine is up Krazy Kangaroo and BSM

Bunny said...

I am sharing one of my gifts today as well:
Monday's Gifts

Bunny said...

P.S. I need some help to make the BSM button work as a link in my sidebar. Can anybody help?

Maggie said...

That is stunning...and it looks so real!

BSM - Shhhh

Phyllis Sommer said...

very sweet. it's hard to believe that is a paper flower!

here's mine:
Best Cake Monday

zoot said...

That flower looks SO real. It's beautiful.

Here's my BSM. I'm needing the peace my kids bring me now more than ever - my BSM shows that this week.

A Free Man said...

Hiya, I was inspired to join up by Arizaphale's foray into Best Shot Monday last week. Hope that mine fits the bill.

A Free Man said...

...and it took me clicking on your picture and looking closely to convince myself that they were fake - and I'm a botanist!

Leah said...

I love the blurry light in the background.

Here's my best shot of the week:
Winter Best Shot

Stacy said...

I'm in love with my best shot subject.

Anonymous said...

What a nice, warm post! Beautiful paper flower.

Thanks for sharing with us :)


Blueberry said...

lovely flower! i wish i had talent like that!!

here's mine:

emily said...

Lovely shot - the flower is beautiful. Here's my contribution.

Sara said...

I'm totally with everyone else, that is NOT paper. How cool!


Kyla said...

Here is mine, but it is at the very end of a long post, so you might just want to skip to the end if dissertations on wonky verbal development aren't your thing. ;)

Megan said...

a beautiful post and a beautiful flower. thanks, tracey.

kim said...

Such a pretty flower.
Here's mine: (also a flower, kind of)

Anonymous said...

Paper? Holy cow.


Maya said...

Those flowers are gorgeous. Sounds like a wonderful evening.

Here's what form my best shot took this week...completely some things, or I should say getting started.

Best Shot

Christie said...

We had a gift of a sprinkling of snow last week, which made for this little guy: Umbrella

mandaroo63 said...

I thought it was real at first, so beautiful! And, so glad to hear the nintendos went to a deserving place.

Mine's kind of a funny shot this week...

Stacy said...

What a talented lady...that flower is exquisite. I think discretion is a great choice of action on the DS Lites - what a wonderful gift for those children. There never is enough to go around it seems, though. There is so much need in this world.

My bright and beautiful this week, is my little man's smile. It's a ray of sunshine to me.

Rose said...

Gorgeous photo and that flower is AMAZING! I can't believe it's handmade.

Here's mine. Late as usual!
My Best Shot Monday

Kimberly said...

Poetic post and lovely photo. Here's my best shot:

Anonymous said...

I had a busy week of photographic fun. this is my best shot.

Love your picture, Tracey! Great post too.

Tonya said...

Wonderful post and photo :)

Here is my Best Shot Monday!

Andrea said...

Lovely flower and beautiful post!

Here's My Best Shot Monday

Amy Jo said...

That is so cool!

Cindy said...

That is a PAPER flower??? Oh my! It's so beautiful! I thought for sure it was real, and had to re-read the sentence to understand that it wasn't. Wow!

I've just participated in my first BSM! I'm happy to have found you guys!

My Best Shot Monday

Barbara said...

What a beautiful picture!
Here is mine:
Please somebody explain me how to put a link in this comment! Thanks!

d.girl said...

I love what you're doing for other people, Tracy. Here's mine:

my BSM

d.girl said...

I love what you're doing for other people, Tracy. Here's mine:

my BSM

m.e. said...

Well, I'm late, but I still want to share!;-)

Love your flower shot, Tracey. So delicate and beautiful and simple.

Anonymous said...

Very very pretty! said...
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Delhi Florist said...

Those flowers are gorgeous. Sounds like a wonderful evening.

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beautiful photo. I like it.

lyssa said...

Wonderful post and beautiful flower. keep it up.. :)

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