Saturday, January 31, 2009
Monday, January 26, 2009
She and I
My daughter (shot on left) and I (shot on right) were at it again. Shooting together for another duet.
How about you? Did you make heads or tails of anything this week? Do share your Best Shot today no matter what end was up.
Saturday, January 24, 2009
Clicking Away
Thursday, January 22, 2009
Shutter Sisters Turns One!
Tuesday, January 20, 2009
Before and After
Note to self:
When one is drunk with hope and intoxicated by change one should steer clear of razors.
All I can figure is that my impulse today was kind of like when you break up with your boyfriend and you immediately go get your hair chopped off. Get rid of a president, get a new do? I dunno.
Awaking with the assurance that that today would be both historic and glorious, I stumbled down stairs, children still sleeping, and was greeted by this sight. The rising sun, circled by halo of hope; a symbol of what this day and our future holds.
Join us as we blog this moment in time. 1 photo, 44 words. History in the making.
Thank you Melissa and Alice.
Posted by
tracey clark
10:54 AM
Labels: beauty, events, joy, photography, Shutter Sisters

Sunday, January 18, 2009
Ever since the holiday season there has been a common theme around our home. Namely of the canine persuasion.
First the decision a furry friend. Immediately followed by the trail and error period which led to the contemplation that perhaps we're more cat people than dog people. I even sat in on a panel with the people behind the upcoming show on PBS called "Why We Love Cats and Dogs" where I actually asked for their help in the matter. They were very gracious. By the way, I cannot wait to see that show! A day or two later coincidentally began the dog sitting days. Believe me when I tell you if nothing else, dogs give you one more perfect subject for a 365 project. Then, today we topped it all off with an afternoon at the movies seeing Hotel for Dogs. Things are getting ridiculous, I know. By the way, it's a darling movie!
After all of this, we still don't have our family pet question answered (except of course that we know fish are cool) and and truth be told I'm OK with it not being decided just now. We're just going to sit with it. It's always fun when the puns come easy.
So, why the long drawn-out story then? No reason at all except to preface My Best Shot Monday offering today.
This shot was taken on the pup's last morning with us waiting for his true mommy (my mom-in-law) to come get him. I call it 'the final stretch'.
How about you? Share the story of your Best Shot.
Saturday, January 17, 2009
Thursday, January 15, 2009
The Duets Begin
My oldest daughter and I are totally getting into the idea of working together on the When You Give a Girl a Camera project. Mother Daughter Duets has such a lovely ring to it.
Yesterday it was bath time with bubbles. My youngest daughter got the reap the rewards of 2 photographers hard at work.
My daughter's photo is on the left (it's an incredible shot, isn't it?) and mine is on the right.
I think we are going to make some beautiful music together!
Tuesday, January 13, 2009
Mom 2.0 and stuff
I am delighted to announce that I am speaking at the Mom 2.0 Summit in Houston Feb. Yay. I am thrilled to be in such good company. I certainly hope to see many of you there as well. Check out the agenda. What's not to like?
If you want a chance to win a free ticket to the Summit, go enter the 'Snap to it' photo contest at Kirsty. Come on all you awesome photographers out there...make me proud.
The contest deadline is coming up (like in a day or so) so Snap to it! Hee hee.
Monday, January 12, 2009
Sunday, January 11, 2009
Oh, The Possibilities
Here's to all that the future holds for each of us. May we honor each day and make each of them meaningful in our own way.
What kinds of meaning are you discovering in your life these days? Do share with us your Best Shot this week. Whatever it means, I'm guessing it's wonderful.
Anyone else attempting a 365 project this year? I'd love to know the company I am in.
Edited to it turns out Stephanie Roberts shared the perfect 'how-to' 365 guide over at Shutter Sisters. I am delighted by this timing! Too cool. Thanks Stephanie.
Friday, January 09, 2009
16 Things About Me
I am…
a slipper girl
dependant on my morning cup of coffee
nothing without my girlfriends
not formally trained
a cat person
a short hair girl
partial to Stella Artois
happily married
never tan
a milk drinker
a napper
a crier
not into food
a master parallel parker
secretly trying to do the 365 project this year
a virgo
From what I can tell, this is a flickr meme. I was tagged by busymomma66 who was tagged by Betzography who was tagged by jodyangel…and so it goes.
Now, consider yourself tagged (there must be 16 of you out there, right?). Come on, you know you want to get distracted from whatever it is you are supposed to be doing. Tap, tap, is this thing on?
Tuesday, January 06, 2009
All the Rage
I have been hearing about the amazing Kelly Corrigan for months now. My mom keeps telling me to get her book The Middle Place. Someone said she was featured in the Oprah mag. Her name has come up in many emails and conversations in the past few weeks and today I found her on youtube via a facebook link by the insightful and ever delightful Kyran Pittman. Thank you Kyran.
I figured the click of my mouse was the least I could do to finally demystify this Kelly Corrigan of which everyone is raving about.
Well, get out your tissue boxes my friends and see for yourself why Kelly is all the rage.
And yes Mom, you were right and I will run out and get her book today. I promise.
Sunday, January 04, 2009
Sparkle Plenty
Superhero Andrea wrote post yesterday at Shutter Sisters challenging us to capture the weather in our images. I love the idea. Lucky for me, even here in Southern California, we've actually had some weather this winter.
This morning I woke to the cloud covered sun lighting up a million water drops that blanketed my backyard. I set my camera down on the patio right against the wet grass and shot photo after photo. The sparkle of magic and impossible hope left me enchanted.
As we being a New Year, it certainly seems like a great way to start. Have you found any magic from behind your lens of late?