Tuesday, January 20, 2009


Awaking with the assurance that that today would be both historic and glorious, I stumbled down stairs, children still sleeping, and was greeted by this sight. The rising sun, circled by halo of hope; a symbol of what this day and our future holds.

Join us as we blog this moment in time. 1 photo, 44 words. History in the making.

Thank you Melissa and Alice.


mimi charmante said...

How funny that our photos are similair in nature - or is it? Now if only I had read the 44 words post - I could have shortened mine to work...
What a delicious day this is!

Anonymous said...

Oh, how beautiful! "Halo of hope"...I love it!

Anonymous said...

Beautiful words on this beautiful day!

alice said...

Oh I love your words and halo!

Shalet said...


mati rose said...

i love this photo. gorgeous! and the sentiment.

Andromeda Jazmon said...

I didn't photograph the sunrise today, although it was one of the most lovely ever. Thanks for capturing it and the hope we hold!

paulsmith198914@gmail.com said...

Really beautiful photo. The birth of a new day. The rising sun, giving rays and the light of hope.correct essay May this day be wonderful. I am interested in reading your posts.

Martin Evans said...

This is such an inspiring image to start my morning.