Friday, January 09, 2009

16 Things About Me

I am…

a slipper girl
dependant on my morning cup of coffee
nothing without my girlfriends
not formally trained
a cat person
a short hair girl
partial to Stella Artois
happily married
never tan
a milk drinker
a napper
a crier
not into food
a master parallel parker
secretly trying to do the 365 project this year
a virgo

From what I can tell, this is a flickr meme. I was tagged by busymomma66 who was tagged by Betzography who was tagged by jodyangel…and so it goes.

Now, consider yourself tagged (there must be 16 of you out there, right?). Come on, you know you want to get distracted from whatever it is you are supposed to be doing. Tap, tap, is this thing on?


mimi charmante said...

okay, i am in - as soon as i can get the crazies to bed!

Anonymous said...

I'm off to write my list now :)
I can see this turning into a scrapbook page for me!

Anita Roach Photography said...

I blogged ( my list...inspired by the fact that you and I share several things on your (now my) list.

Lu said...

ok, i will play. I am posting to the Art Slam in a hot second.

Rose said...

Okay Tracey, I'll play. Tomorrow. Like Anita, I share several of the same things on your list - does that mean I have to come up with others? Hmm.

Although... I came out of the closet for the 365 project this year. And although it's only day 9 and I already had to rely on my trusty P&S for a quick shot at Target

Amy said...

not into food :)

me either! I have often said I would take food in pill form if it was available!
there are a couple of others I can relate to on your list too

I was tagged too, but can't think of 16 things right now:( isn't that sad?

love the blur shots lately over here, they are quiet and soothing to look at;)

the girl said...

I consider myself tagged!
anything to keep me away from homework!
and I thought this would be easy

Anonymous said...

ok - I guess if you READ the post you are offically tagged! So here I go!

Shawna said...

Thanks for sharing so much. The comment about not being formally trained is wonderful because that has been on my mind lately. In a "what do you think you're doing, leaping head first into this photography hobby" kind of way.

I'm doing 365 as well, and we'll see what happens. So far so good, but I'm well known for not bothering to finish a book because I get bored half way through. I can't skip to the end this year, right? All I have to do is imagine how wonderful the results will be when I can look back at today with my baby.

Anonymous said...

Sure I will play & pass it along...

Pink Dogwood said...

Oh my - I'm reading this post thinking, "Sure what the heck - I need something to post about. I'll join in on the fun." But as I continued to read your post I realized, "hey, I'm all those things too - and those are some cool things (hurray for Stella Artois and Master Parallel Parkers!!). Am I anything else?? Hmmm, guess I'll have to give it some more thought. :)

Anonymous said...

Oh I love it! I will try to post one up soon.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Oh to be 13 for once, and forever 4.

Anonymous said...

I played- because I am procrastinating.


Anonymous said...

I played - because I read it. :)

Anonymous said...

Loved your items :)! Just posted by 16 items!

Wanda said...

Finally, I got my list up. Thanks for the tag. It was a nice diversion.

JULES said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
JULES said...

I was inspired by "16 Things About Me" and decided to re visit my blog site after a Summer so journ. Here is my "Moi" list.

Unknown said...

i will write my list!!!!
thank you!

Anonymous said...

You tagged Brene and Brene tagged me and then I saw yours and now you get to see mine! :)


gina said...

that is a good list. i'm laughing about the not into food item. and the pill form reader comment.