In the ebb and flow of our everyday lives we walk and wander our own unique path. Some days it's a stroll; a slow but steady meandering, one foot in front of the other. Others we use our big tall legs to walk, taking confident and bold strides into the future following only the map of our heart.
For me, the last few days I have been asked to find the strength of my legs to walk boldly toward a place that is hazy in the distance. Although I cannot make out exactly what it looks like, I can feel that is somewhere I need to be. A place I have mused about for my future. I had no idea my future could come so quickly.
I spent my Saturday filming a segment for the Oprah show. A dear friend, my fairy godmother, my husband and kids and a bunch of strangers (who are no longer strangers) all with me in my home for one of the most surreal experiences of my life. The feeling might only be eclipsed by my flying out to Chicago for the shows taping on Tuesday.
I know, I know I must share the details. But right now my head is spinning and my knees are weak and I am using every bit of strength I have to keep walking, trusting, enjoying, soaring along my path and the opportunities that lie before me. It's all so very overwhelming-good overwhelming but overwhelming none the less.
The shot above is the Best way to describe what I am feeling right now. I captured it in our entry way only moments after everyone left our house and the dust began to settle.
Big huge grateful exhale.
Let's see what Best moment you caught this week. Something from the map of your heart I hope.