Sunday, May 11, 2008

Something About Mother's Day

One of the many perks of having preschool aged children is getting handmade Mother's Day gifts. I'm a sucker for every painted, glued, stitched, drawn, folded, pipe cleanered, popsicle sticked work of art.

On the other hand, when you've got a near middle-schooler, they are old enough to translate to your spouse your deep and desperate desire for a spa pedicure. Pedicure gift certificates are my most favorite things. Ever. Second only to macaroni jewelry.

Speaking of jewelry, you can still enter the Blue Poppy Motherhood necklace giveaway by leaving a comment on the Mother's Day Post at Shutter Sisters.

I do hope all of you moms enjoyed your Sunday and took plenty of photos to choose from for your Best Shot Monday. I bet you did, didn't you?


Andrea said...

Happy Mother's Day!

Here are my best shots of my daughter getting her first haircut.

Best Shot Monday

Maggie said...

Oh, a spa if that doesn't sound like a little bit of heaven, I don't know what does!

She is looking so grown up in that shot -- and so pretty!

Hope that you had a wonderful mother's day!

BSM: Dew Drops

Megan said...

i too, just love a nice macaroni necklace -- it goes with anything :).

BSM:Mother's Day

Kara said...

All moms deserve a pedicure, right? Happy Mother's Day to all -
Here's my best shot - Singing!

Bonnie said...

Happy Mother's Day !

I too love homemade gifts ... they are my favorite !!

My Best Shot ~ Chook Eggs

Lara said...

happy mother's day to you and all the other moms. :)

i've been kind of unhappy lately, for no good reason really, but my BSM definitely reflects that. sorry, but i'm sure i'll have something happier again next week!

Feeling Wistful

Christina said...

Handmade gifts *and* a pedicure gift certificate?! Sounds like a happy mother's day, indeed!

I haven't got my mother's day post up yet, so I have sunsets for BSM!

Jaimee said...

Oh yes, a spa pedicure is about the best thing there is! Hope everyone had a great mother's day!

BSM - Zoo Part2

Anonymous said...

I.Want.This.Now. and SS is down for maintenance. Oh, shoot.

The Flickr set of photos was just too fun.

Unknown said...

Does it really get any better than that? Handmade gifts and a spa pedicure. Nice! Happy Mother's Day.

My BSM is a little reflection on the day as well. Happy Mommy.

chaoticfamily said...

They both sound fabulous! She looks so precious in the photo.

Happy Mother's Day - enjoy the pedicure. ;)

Here is mine...

sweatpantsmom said...

Yes, thank goodness for middle-schoolers and their gift-idea-channeling powers. I have a nice fat Macy's gift card to show for it.

Happy Mother's Day Tracey!

Anonymous said...

Here's mine--it's untraditional for Mom's Day, but that's not all that unusual around here :)

BSM: Potato Pompadour

Anonymous said...

You said this so well. These cards are awesome! Happy Mother's Day everyone!
Here's my BSM:
I told you so.

Sara said...

Happy Mother's Day

How beautiful what she made for you. My Kindergardener brought home something he'd planted, he thinks it's a rose, I'm not too sure, but the first thing he did was water it, like with enough water for a month and a half. And I was like, oh baby, it doesn't need THAT much water, and he kept crying that he'd drowned his rose that he planted for Mudders day, and now it wouldn't grow. We'll see right?

Mr. Blue eyes, the snorters and can they dance?

Stacy said...

Happy Mother's Day to everyone!

Amy Jo said...

Aren't the little ones so sweet with these things? My 2 year old picked me a flower for mother's day!

Anonymous said...

I got some handmade goodies too. Love love them.

My Best Shot

Leah said...

Happy Mother's Day! This pic is of D. running off some energy from being cooped up in a restaurant high chair for too long.

Blueberry said...

ahhh, sounds like you had a lovely mother's day!
mine involved tornado warnings, level 5 meltdown temper tantrums, and a toddler who told me that she wanted to "ruin" my day. ;) soooo, my shot is from earlier in the week! ha ha ha!

my best shot

Phyllis Sommer said...

happy mother's day y'all! i got no pics yesterday but i did get some fun handmade's one from earlier in the week, tho.

Phyllis Sommer said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Sassy said...

Sweet picture. Happy Mother's Day!
My BSM is a little more humorous. It doesn't have to do with Moms at all, I will leave you with that....

Blue Balls

Anonymous said...

Hope everyone had a lovely Mother's Day! Here's mine:
Best Shot Monday

Unknown said...

I love the homemade gifts too! They are usually quite creative!

Here's my BSM:

emily said...

I spent some time using my telephoto lens to shoot the visitors at my bird feeder - hopefully practice will improve the shots, but here's a start.

Dawn said...

Happy Mother's Day to all!

the apple of my eye

Jen said...

I love those handmade gifts too. That is a great Mother's Day shot.

Here's mine:
Life Through His Eyes

kim said...

She's such a doll!!! I love that dress. Sounds like you had a wonderful Mothers Day.... I took my mom and I out on Saturday for a spa manicure and pedicure.
I didn't take any photos yesterday.... but I got some fun rain pictures last week.

Spring Rain

Jen said...

I am not sure what happened. Try this one:

Life Through His Eyes

Vered said...

I'm not doing Best Shot Monday today... didn't take any pictures during the weekend!

But just had to stop by and tell you that spa gift cards are the best for me too, and in fact for most women, so it is now my gift of choice for girlfriends/ mom/ mother in law etc.

But to me, a massage is even better than a pedicure. :)

Anonymous said...

I had a great photographic week last week! So many to choose from but this one had to be one of my favorites >

Anonymous said...

Happy Mother's Day! Here is my best shot....

I would to get a pedicure, done by someone besides from me, lol :)

Anonymous said...

Beautiful! Yes, I too love the handmade items!
We had a special Mother's Day at Blessed Nest...a new arrival!

Rest Assured My Best Shot

Anonymous said...

I had the BEST Mother's Day ever! Here's the shot to prove it!

Me in a photo!

Anna Sawin said...

Oh I am loving these shots today.
And I love a spa pedicure gift certificate more than chocolate. And that is saying something!

My ode to motherhood today: pudgy toddler toes and fingers!

Best Shot Monday

Anonymous said...

I love your little girl's smile. Anyone ever say she looks just like you? ;)

No Mother's Day shot for me today, but my BSM is up

Best Shot Monday

Bunny said...

I'm back into posting! Here's my attempt this week:
This is the link.

natalie said...

Yikes! I didn't even think about posting a Mother's Day picture today!!! Okay, I stink as a mom. In my defense, our day started off with quite a terrible storm and we were all tired the rest of the day!

I'm up and running. Showing off the very first picture taken with my new toy!

MBS My Favorite Snack

Maya said...

I can't wait for homemade gifts! We didn't take a whole lot of photos do to a pretty cranky child but I did manage to stop for two seconds and get a decent shot.

Best Shot Monday

mandaroo63 said...

What a lovely photo of your daughter. Homemade gifts are just the best!!! Here's my bsm, also taken on Mother's Day....

Christy said...

Happy Mother's day! Glad yours was wonderful, ours was too.

Best Shot Monday.

Rose said...

What a sweet photo. I posted late last night. Hubby was sick on Sunday and I worked on Monday and, well, that's what happens. I got my first Mother's day hand-mades this year! yeah!

Unknown said...

One of the hardest thing to do is to become the best mother.

Digital Tanishak said...

Nice Article! Mother’s day is a day for appreciation, love and care of mothers. The aim of celebrating mother’s day is to honour the contribution of mothers, acknowledge the efforts of maternal bonds and the role of mothers in our society. We bring virtual mother's day celebration ideas to celebrate this precious day and make it a memorable one.