Sunday, May 04, 2008

Incriminating Shot Monday

We've never been a dog family. We are a cat family. We're still enjoying our faithful 18-year-old cat, thankfully. Lucky for my husband and I, both sets of grandparents have dogs which gives the kids a regular dog-fix without us having to commit to another pet. Whew.

The other day I caught my dad's dog red-pawed with a slipper (big no-no) and I had to grab a photo of the crime scene.

This picture cracks me up because he looks sooooo guilty. But not quite enough to give up the slipper. Classic. So much like a child. I love it.

So, what classic moment did you capture this week?


Andrea said...

Caught in the act! Hehe.

Here's my Best Shot Monday

Vered said...

OMG he does look guilty, doesn't he. :)

I went out to the yard this week and just had to smile. My roses are blooming!

Anonymous said...

I'm glad to know you're cat is still with you. I remember that dark day when your cat was ill.. and things didn't look so good. But so glad the 9 lives kicked in.

And yes, the cute dog is definitely grinning as if he knows exactly what he did...
Here's mine:
Conquering Clutter

Leah said...

That shot is too funny!

Here's mine - toddlers have a lot more fun at the bar than you'd think... :)

Kara said...

He seems quite attached to those slippers. I love it when I catch my dogs doing something bad (not too bad...'cute' bad) - its so entertaining to see them process the fact that they are misbehaving.

Here's my best shot - Celebrate!

Dawn said...

That is so cute!

Hey, any of you Wordpress users, are you experiencing the same trouble that I am with picture uploading??

Pull That Wagon!

Maya said...

I think I've seen our golden like this before!! He looks like he's been caught!

Here's mine.

Phyllis Sommer said...

he does look guilty! how funny is that....

here's mine, sweet girl with her grandfather

Anonymous said...

Hee,hee! I LOVE that sad, guilty looking little face :D

Here's my Best Shot Monday of our tiny fairy's tea party :)

Anonymous said...

Oops! HTML Typo! Here's my fairy tea party link :)

Megan said...

definitely a guilty dog look!

here's my BSM:


Maggie said...

That is too funny! Guilty looking indeed...and even a photo to prove it! Sometimes pets are just too funny.


Unknown said...

Hee...but he is so sweet, can anyone really be mad at him? We are a total cat family around here, although there have been rumblings....

We were light in the photo dept. this week due to some sicky kids. But I got a quick photo of sweet Best Friends.

Brittany said...

so cute!! SO CUTE!! :)

Here's Mine:

Best Shot

Jaimee said...

Oh, that is soooo cute! I love dogs--they are the best!

Here is mine!
BSM - Lazy Days

Christina said...

LOL! That is one guilty looking dog for sure! We are a cats-only family, altho I think the kiddo wants that to change.

My little one is starting a new cooking trendthis week.

Rose said...

Ugh! Our dog took off with one of Harrison's toys this week, a small football. Needless to say he wasn't thrilled with the dog after that.

Here's mine.

Something I did over the weekend.

Mrs.Naz@BecomingMe said...

Too funny how dog's wear the same expression in their eyes for guilt

Crunchy Domestic Goddess said...

busted! :) it's funny how they know they are in trouble, yet they aren't going to willfully give up doing it.

here's mine: moo, baa, la la la

Anonymous said...

Ha! Absolutely too funny! Our dog that we have now is quite mellow, but our last pup was a rascal! She was always mischeiveous!

We had a classic moment to share for Best Shot Monday... my oldest daughter hit the double digits! She turned 10 this weekend!

Bonnie said...

The look on his face !! HILARIOUS ! He totally knows what he's doing !

Mine is the age old classic ...OVERHEARD CONVERSATION

emily said...

Haha - caught, but no, you can't have your slipper back.

Here is my contribution.

Arizaphale said...

Such a beautiful dog too...

I have a very proud young man today.

Football Hero

I hope that works :-)

Stacy said...

Guilty as charged!!

My classic shot is one of my two girls. So cute!!

Blueberry said...

fantastic shot!! he does look a little guilty doesn't he! :)

here's my best shot

Anonymous said...

that is precious.. sort of... I gasped when I saw it! ha!
Here is my "classic Moment"

Anonymous said...

We have a very looney dog who chews the kids toys. She gets that same guilty look. But does it again and again.

I caught a classic moment.
Sleeping Beauty

Kimberly said...

That's definitely one guilty looking pooch. :)

Here's my My Best Shot Monday.

Unknown said...

That's such a good one! I love his guilty eyes looking at the camera!!

Christy said...

But how could you get upset at a face like that :)

Here is my capture for the week:

My daughter and my sister

lizziemarie said...

My daughter took the camera out for a walk and did some of what Mom has been doing lately. Here are the results.

Anonymous said...

oops, well try this link.

Sassy said...

Funny shot.
My most "incriminating shot" can be found here:

Anonymous said...

sorry this is not working try again.
....or just click on my name, since I can't figure out the link thing this Monday morning %$@##&**

Jen said...

He looks like he is saying "Just try to take this slipper away from me. I dare you."

Here's my My Classic Moment

chaoticfamily said...

What a beautiful doggie! I am a dog person - and this is a great dog photo - looks so innocent yet a bit guilty.

Here is mine!

divrchk said...

At the farm, the day after surgery...

mandaroo63 said...

Awwww, I've seen that look before! He reminds me so much of our golden retriever, Bone!

Here's my classic moment captured this weekend as a memory forever to me.


Happy Monday!!! : )

brianmbremer said...

Wow, a real Shutter Sister found my blog! Your work is really great.

Anonymous said...

This is my fav of the week. And sooo typical. "

I'm not tired. No way. I'm going to sit here with my light on and play my schoolbus game. You'll see. I'll be awake all night long...."

Cara said...

What a great picture, the expression on the dog face is awesome. Bubbie has that same expression when he is doing something he knows he shouldn't.

Amy Jo said...

Ha! Too funny! Here's my shot.

Lara said...

mine is a classic for the subject: a rose.

that dog is just too precious! i don't even think i could be angry with him looking that cute.

Anonymous said...

Just under the's mine:
