Sunday, May 18, 2008

A Brave and Borrowed Best Shot

Jen left today for Rwanda. I have thought about her all day. She left a heartfelt and honest post on her blog before she left and posted lovely photos. I am borrowing one for today's Best Shot because I love everything about it.

photo by jen lemen

Even thought I didn't take this photo, I feel like I can borrow it from Jen (since I gave this little gem to her to carry with her on her trip, it feels OK). It's my way of honoring her as she forever changes the lives of everyone she touches in Africa. She is the bravest person I know.

What would you like to honor with your Best Shot today?


Anonymous said...

I've been following Jen and her mission of love and hope. Amazing.

My BSM is quite shallow in comparison, but I had a fun weekend. :)

Best Shot Monday

Crunchy Domestic Goddess said...

that is a great shot. and wow - rwanda. i will keep jen in my thoughts.

my post today is actually catching up on life a bit, with a very messy boy at the end for my best shot

Anonymous said...

I meant to comment that you are such a dear...the gift of 'courage' to Jen was beautiful.

Bonnie said...

I'm heading over to Jen's place to see what's happening ... sounds like she's doing amazing things !

My best shot honors the simple beauty of nature.

Anonymous said...

What a great gift to share with Jen! I actually posted my BSM before yours, so it wasn't chosen with the intention of honoring. However, I don't think it's too off base to say I honor all the risks and challenges of being a child--I think about it daily.

Best Shot Monday: Chalk Girl

Bunny said...

Beautiful, what a lovely gift.

I have a few photos from this morning during some precious alone time:
This is the link.

Maya said...

I have been following her story too. Amazing! And what a beautiful gift to honor her.

I have way too many pictures today...sorry!

Best Shot

amanda said...

How powerful! What an amazing woman.

My little one turned 3 this weekend. Here's mine...

birthday candles

Anonymous said...

Yes... a powerful picture. Jen, you're in my thoughts.
Here's mine:
Democracy and the trash

Stacy said...

Wow, what an amazing time this is going to be for your friend!

My best shot is honoring my daughter (she actually took the picture!)

Maggie said...

What a beautiful shot - and a beautiful thing that she is doing.

BSM: Queen for a Day

treasureseeker said...

What a beautiful picture and sentiment! Things like that can really carry a person through a rough day.
My BSM is really in the honoring category, but on a slightly more whimsical (that is to say useless in the minds of most) sense of the word.

Don't laugh! This is still one of those things that can get you through a rough time!!! But if it really isn't enough, then scroll down to my Treasure of the Day to honor my 5 year old daughter's artistic abilities!

Andrea said...

Very happy to read you posted about Jen and honoring her. What an amazing woman.

My BSM honors the Innocence of Childhood

Arizaphale said...

A great and meaningful shot. A wonderful present.

A Boy and His Cat

Christina said...

What a beautiful tribute. Jen is corageous and inspirational indeed.

Now href="">my
seems quite shallow in comparrison...but we fun picking strawberries!

Leah said...

I love hearing about Jen's mission. It's just beautiful.

My best shots are here.

Kara said...

Hey, I posted my comment but I don't see it...hope this doesn't make twice.

What a fabulous gift - and to think that it will travel to the other side of the world...

Here's my shot - Indian Summer

Anonymous said...

I've been following her, too. It's takes a courageous women to make such a change.

My Best Shot

Dawn said...

It's a beautiful picture, a great gift, and a big story. Thanks for sharing.

matching outfits five!

Holly {ArtistMotherTeacher} said...

Today it's good to be king.

Blueberry said...

what a wonderful gift, and lovely picture of it too. best of luck to jen!!

here is my best shot

Megan said...

what a lovely gift to celebrate an amazing journey.


Christina said...

Whoops, it seems my link didn't go through. Here's trying agian.


Anonymous said...

AWW that is a great shot - I love the gift, courage is an amazing gift!

Happy BSM - I had joined then stopped now happy to join again - hope that's ok! :)

I cant wait to visit everyones!

Brittany said...

What a WONDERFUL gift you gave Jen. I am sure it will help her along the way.

My shot(s) are not as heartfelt, but mean something to me all the same.

Here they are!

Phyllis Sommer said...

i have been loving jen's posts and pictures too. it really is an inspiration. here's mine. Have a great Monday!

Unknown said...

That is an amazing story (and shot) - makes my "whiny" weekend seem quite insignificant, that is for sure!

Best Shot Monday

Anonymous said...

I love that little "badge" of courage! What a great gift!

Here's my shot this week:
Grandpa and little man

Sassy said...

Feel the Fear and Do It Anyway is actually a GREAT BOOK.
I have used that phrase in my own life for many years...Great picture and nice story.

Sassy said...

Here is mine:
Brown Eyed Girl

Christy said...


Best Shot Monday

Jaimee said...

Such a beautiful picture.

Here's mine:
Little Girlfriendwf

Amy Jo said...

Awesome. We didn't do anything important last week, but we had fun doing it.

Here is my collection.

mandaroo63 said...

What a beautiful gift, and she's sure to have a memorable time. No images of courage here, but just some lovely outdoor nature that we got to enjoy last week.

Jen said...

What an amazing shot and great gift. She truly is an inspiration.

Here's mine:
What a weekend

Sara said...

now children today we're going to practice crossing the road, okay

Sara said...

ok how stupid lol, I meant to say that picture is awesome and what Jen is doing is even greater. Thanks for sharing. Sending prayers her way.

Anna Sawin said...

Yes, mine also is quite shallow in comparison, by maybe we can just focus on the shallow DOF!

Lovely lilacs for me today,


Rose said...

AGH! I posted a comment early this morning and it's not here!

What I believe I said originally was that Jen is incredible and what a beautiful gift to give her for her trip.

My best shot isn't half and meaningful as it's all about Getting Wet

Anonymous said...

Mine is a bit late, I have been so distracted today!

Andi said...

Jen really is amazing. Your post honors her nicely and pays tribute to this adventure in the most perfect way.
I am VERY late this evening. It is 11:15 PM here, and I had such a busy evening that I completely forgot to post! Now I can not seem to find my notes about how to link. (LOL) It's been awhile since life has been so hectic lately...but I am honoring girl power in my post! Girly tomboys all yell, "hurray!" to bed. Will check out everyone's shots tomorrow! Thanks for allowing me to play along again.

Anonymous said...

I saw that photo on Jen's Flickr and thought it was such a thoughtful gift. I love that quote. It is so true...

My BSM is totally frivolous but it was for a good cause (826CHI, a writing tutoring center for kids): Prom for Grownups

I did also take this photo in honor of Jen:

JeSais said...

where did you get that gift?? its awesome!

Shelli said...

What a beautiful pendant for a courageous woman.