Sunday, April 27, 2008

She's Got Legs

My Best Shot Monday is an ode to my tiny dancer. This photo captures her as the rogue ballerina that she truly is. Part princess, part tomboy, 100% herself.

The vibrant color she brings to our family takes my breath away; sometimes leaving me exhausted, sometimes leaving me simply overwhelmed with gratitude.

Do you have something to share that makes your heart skip a beat?

Hey Mamas, Shutter Sisters is co-sponsoring another Mama Focus Contest just in time for Mother's Day. Be sure to visit Shutter Sisters on Tuesday (whoops, I meant Wednesday) for the scoop. Or if you're too eager to wait, just visit Mamazine right now for all the details.


kim said...

An adorable shot!
Rock Band

Vered said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Vered said...

Had to fix a typo, can't stand those.

We just got back from a weekend in Mexico. The images I saw made my heart skip a beat, but not necessarily in a good way.

Weekend in Mexico

chaoticfamily said...

Sweet heart! I love it.

Here is mine,

Anonymous said...

Wonderful photo! I love the colors!

Here is my BSM:

My Heart Skips a Beat

Anonymous said...

what a beautiful shot. What a beautiful description of your daughter! Wonderful..

Here's mine...

Special Delivery

Anonymous said...

Precious n priceless...the shot and the post :)


Anonymous said...

Tracey, what a great way to paint a picture with words "the vibrant color she brings to our family takes my breath away..." Awesome.

Those legs do look like they can dance!

My heart did skip a beat with my BSM:
A mushroom

Maya said...

I love the tomboy mixed with ballerina. Such personality!

My little one's sporting some cool looking fashions too...check it out here.

Anonymous said...

Very nice perspective. I have a tiny dancer too:

My Best Shot

Anonymous said...

My heart stopped a bit when I saw this today, in a bad way :)

Phyllis Sommer said...

that is very sweet. here's mine: spring where did you go?

Arizaphale said...

What a sensational outfit! Amen to being yourself!!

Here's mine.

Umm. Some wonderful body left me a helpful hint about leaving a live link in these comment boxes and I have totally lost it. again???

Maggie said...

That's a great shot - and such a perfect colorful outfit for her!

BSM: Lake Edition

Andrea said...


Here's my BSM

Eeyore's Birthday Party

Sassy said...

I love that song, so my era!
Very fun, girls rock!!!
Here is my BSM:

Unknown said...

Oh - that is a great shot!

My Best Shot Monday is an ode to how quickly our beloved weekends seem to fly by.

Jaimee said...

How cute!

Here's Mine:

BSM - My Chair

mckennah said...

here is mine. my daughter eating a pickle for the first time!! HILARIOUS!


Brittany said...

I certainly do have something that makes my heart skip a beat! Here's
My Shot

Megan said...

those legs look like they can go for hours :)!

here's what brings color to my life this week:

Christina said...

Ahhhh, lovely! I love that description of your tomboy princess.

Bubbles make my heart skip a beat!

Dawn said...

That's a beautiful shot!

sand in his britches

Blueberry said...

oh what a wonderful shot!!


Blueberry said...

sooo sorry! totally had a typo in that link!
try this one:


Anonymous said...

Here my first try for BSM:


That was a super shot!

Anonymous said...

I was able to put something up this week.

Anonymous said...

How adorable!

I couldn't decide which was my best shot.

Stacy said...

Love yout little tiny dancer!

Here's my best shot.

Amy Jo said...

Rogue ballerina indeed! I love the perspective!

Here's my shot from last week. The apple tree in bloom was breathtaking, but my son's reaction was even better!

Rose said...

I love her little legs! What a great picture! I stopped by last night and then was inspired to add to my post a picture I took of Harrison's little legs at the zoo on Thursday.

Here's mine.

Vered said...

Tracey: I returned from Mexico yesterday, so absorbed in what I saw there, and so anxious to tell everyone about it, that I completely forgot to say how I like your image!

I often complain that the blogging world is a place where everyone talks and no one listens. I guess I just proved my own point. (Blush).

Anyway, love your photo. It's adorable. And also, thank you for Best Shot Monday! I'm normally a words-person, not so much into images, but this inspires me to look at the world with different eyes. Sometimes, a picture IS worth a thousand words.

Anna Sawin said...

What a sweet shot of your ballerina!

Here's my unconventional BSM this week, my photo shoot at Real Simple!

Anna Sawin said...

Or I could be helpful and actually give you a link to it!

My Real Simple photo shoot

emily said...

That is so sweet! I love it.

My picture this week isn't a technically breathtaking shot, but it does show one of the best things about where we live.

Colleen @AMadisonMom said...

Love those legs!!! Zoe needs to get some funkier dance wear... it would definitely be more her.


Kimberly said...

I think I like the post title as much as your photo. :)

Here's my heartbeat skipping shot for the week. ;)

Anonymous said...

I LOVE that shot! I love little leg shots too.

Here's my BSM.

Crunchy Domestic Goddess said...

aww, tiny dancer! :)

i skipped out on BSM this week because i didn't pick up my SLR all week, but i did write about a topic today that's near and dear to my heart.

Mrs.Naz@BecomingMe said...

Wonderful shot and beautiful words

Jen said...

Beautiful photo. It is perfect.
Range of Emotions