Sunday, February 24, 2008

Rainy Days and Mondays

Let's just say some days are better than others. Such is life as a parent. With all the wonder and magic that a 4-year-old can bring, the flip side can be brutal. I feel tested beyond my limits as a mother. It's emotional and exhausting.

Something about this photo says it all. And then some. I take a little comfort knowing that one day I will look back at all of this and laugh. Or cry.

What sentiment does your best shot stir up?


Anonymous said...

I love how the color of the wall in the background... like a robin-egg blue, sum up your feelings -- and hers. And yes, well-put. The flip side can be brutal when it comes to kids.
Maybe these cookies will help...Snickerdoodles

Leah said...

We've escaped to a little taste of spring for a few days!

Crunchy Domestic Goddess said...

that is a wonderful capture. i love the composition.

hugs, mama. my 3 yr old has been trying my patience a lot lately too. she's actually my best shot though this week, having a sweet moment

Megan said...

those are the days; four year olds -- and every other age -- can jump on your last nerve. it's lucky they're so cute :).

Christina said...

Even without your words, I would have known exactly what this picture was meant to convey. Powerful! And sooo true - of two year olds as well as four year olds.

But this image of my girl and her PawPaw makes me feel serene.

Blessed Nest said...

oh I had that same day too (rain and all)...
this past week...ugh
Today, we're talking about the next birthday party coming around the corner. Her 5th!

princess party

Rose said...

I love that picture, it does say a lot, the color is beautiful!

My guy is working on NOT listening lately. Ugh! It challenges my patience. Here he is having fun.

Bonnie said...

Oh, I sooo get it ! I just got back from the grocery store where the young check out girl asked me what were my plans for the rest of the day ? The rest of the day ? It's 6:45pm ... I've been up since 5:30am... isn't that enough for one day !? My four year old made my six year old cry because she wrecked the man he made out of marbles and my six year old has decided he can't go to school with mosquito bites on his arm unless the arm is ace bandaged from wrist to elbow !! Serenity now !!!

Monday Stuff

Lara said...


BSM: An Exercise In Vanity

Anonymous said...

Hugs from one mama to another--been there, done that, will again I'm sure! (Although my hooligans are 15 and almost-13 now...time flies)

Hang in there!


Arizaphale said...

We're all with you on this one and what an emotive shot. As others have said...the colour does it here. So cool and sad....

I too am looking for comfort this week.

Stacy said...

Ah, life with a 4 year-old. I know it well!

Here's my Best Shot. It evokes a little bit of a different feeling.

Anonymous said...

I hope all gets better at your house as soon as possible :) Rainy days are the worst.

Here's mine, which is sort of about a rainy day, too...the cough has finally come back to la casa de J.

natalie said...

I'm up...

(I'll know how to do the cool link thing next week, I promise!)

Anonymous said...

I couldn't have said it better.

Here's My Best Shot for today.

Bunny said...

I can relate to the mothering of a preschooler...emotional and exhausting, for sure.

My Best Shot

Maggie said...

That shot is perfectly matched with a statement that is oh so true.

BSM: Trying Again

Andrea said...

My boys are now young men and I've recently captured a couple photos of then that make my heart ache because they're no longer young boys.

But after seeing my oldest son, who is part of our future generation, get incredibly excited when we saw Obama in person (just a few feet away) last week, made me hopeful. I had no idea my teen son would have so much passion while at a rally.

Best Shot Monday

Even if you're not an Obama hopeful, if you have time, you should check out the post right under, which talks about our really cool "seating" experience.


Anna said...

Oh, it can be so tough. Sometimes I just hope for a better day! But that photo inspires one, for sure.

Here's my BSM.

Brittany said...

Awww that is such a great shot!
Here's mine:

Boys, Boys, Boys

amanda said...

Mine makes me smile! But most of all - I WORRY!

Blueberry said...

oh i love the picture!!

Phyllis Sommer said...

what a sweet shot, the expression is fabulous.

here's some pics of my trip to Israel... hard to choose!

Maya said...

What a photo Tracey! Being a new mom I'm realizing there's days/weeks like this and it's normal and okay.

Here's mine this week:

Kyla said...

Here is my BSM.

Mrs. Gray's Class said...

What a beautiful picture. I have a long way to go with my shooting skills.

Stacy said...

Love the composition on this and the emotion it shows. Having a 4 year old myself, I completely understand. Some days they could try the patience of a saint.

Holly {ArtistMotherTeacher} said...

Today mine is about new (or at least renewed) opportunities to play as a parent.

Flower power

Unknown said...

beautiful composition. my best shot this week is also about the trying of my patience - the ATTITUDE of a 2 year old.

mandaroo63 said...

The rains got us a little stir crazy too, if in fact, that is what you were portraying in your photo! Love her little parasol, and the look is priceless! My post happens to be about the rain, and other stuff too, today.


Anonymous said...

This shot really does make you feel cooped up and downtrodden... I love it! Here's my best shot for the week:

I still haven't figured out how to give you guys a link. Can someone email me, pretty please!

Jennifer said...

Ah. Sounds like my almost 4 year old. Dr. Jeckyl and Mr. Hyde. Did I spell that right. Probably not. I have no idea what emotion stirs up my best photos other than a sunny day. And great colors.

Sassy said...

Love your shot. Very cute.
Will be reading up you the tutorials.
Here are my best shots (and my best subjects)...
Sassy Girls

Sassy said...

Will be reading "UP ON YOUR" tutorials.
That is what I get for parenting and typing at the same time....oops.

Stephanie said...

I understand exactly what you mean, I have a 3 year old and she manages to test my patience daily and somehow make me love her more and more at the same time! How do children do that?!

Here is my Best Shot

Anonymous said...

Oh, the colors are just lovely! And boy, oh boy, can I relate to the brutality of motherhood. Still, my BSM this week is all sweetness and lovey-dovey (between my daughter and her best friend that is).

Amy Jo said...

What a cute little umbrella. Sorry to hear you're having a rough time. Needless to say, we all know where you're coming from. Good luck!

Here is my favorite shot from last week.

Anonymous said...

What a cute umbrella! The dreary days make me not feel so perky lately, that's for sure.

Here's mine: Speed Skater

d.girl said...

I can totally relate b/c my daughter is 5.

I chose my dog instead for a sense of BSM

Have a great week!

HLB said...

Beautiful photo; I love the framed picture in the background, and how the (relatively) bright rug at the bottom gives a strong contrast to the rest of the picture.

Talking about looking back at all of this made me think of how photos still feel a bit like magic in their ability to stop time, which then motivated my best shot for this week.

Anonymous said...

Ah my dear friend - I can see the attitude in her face and know how HARD you are trying to maintain sanity! Hang on tight, call me and let's plan a beer night - remember when we used to do that?!?!?!

Here's mine:

Forgive me my non-link...there is a bubble around my head that is keeping me from being able to focus or think!

kim said...

You're so right, that photo says it all. I love the line of your daughter... from the tiny umbrella to the feminine stance. So precious.
Mine's finally up:

Mommy's Cherish said...

The joys of a mommy. Here is my Monday shot

Anonymous said...

Never mind that it is called BSM...on my blog, in my world, Tuesday is Monday and my BSM is up... :)

Best Shot Monday

Maddy said...

Newbie - I have no idea what you are dealing with but I certainly know that I'm out of my depth more often than not.

Aren't we all glad that we get a second chance [tomorrow.]
Best wishes

Anonymous said...

My daughter is three and boy is she a testing little thing. My other children are all boys ages 9,8,6. As much as a blessing she is a little terror at times!
Sympathizing with you...

Anonymous said...

I remember some very long, trying days with my little guy around this age. He's only a few years older now, but it's a world of difference.

And there are those days I look back on photos and wish he was little again, just so I could kiss his face and tickle him until he couldn't breathe. (He's too fast to catch now!)

Hang in there, you.

Anonymous said...

I'm hoping you'll look back and smile- love the picture!

Becca said...

As a mom to four year old with a flip side, I can so relate!
Hey, I have that same rug!
Loving your blog!

Ginna said...

beautiful picture.
I am so with you there on the four year old thing. I have one too, and sometimes he feels like the hardest thing I've ever had to do.
(I came here from Shutter Sisters)

Tami said...

During the fourth year for each of my three guys, they came around, they grew up and with each of them I had a point where I thought-my, you are a nice person. Up to that point I'd forget that it had happened with others and be discouraged. And then pouf-nice guys! She'll come around ;)

shelbi said...

can i ever relate today! thank you for reminding me that i am not alone in this journey.

ya gotta loves this age...


Mary Ann said...

I came here from Mama of Letters who posted a link to your other blog. I'm currently looking for paint for a bedroom and absolutely love the color of the wall, how it picks up the color in the rug and the fringe on the rug. This is an amazing photo in its entirety... simply love your photography.

Janie said...

Guess what the four year old stage is called... Out Of Bounds Four. Yup they test every rule a million times just in case ONCE you give in. I thought I was crazy when my 4 year old was Four, she questioned every rule she had followed for 3 years not just NEW rules! But it turns out she was normal. Four year olds are like teenagers without all day school, homework, romance, vocabulary, but with the advantage in that at 4 you can still pick them up and put them where you want them and make them stay there!