Sunday, December 23, 2007

Best Shot Monday & Holiday Salutations

Welcome to the very first Best Shot Monday hosted at Mother May I. I appreciate your willingness to come on over! I've even created a bright and shiny new button commemorating the event. Yay!

red BSM button

I know it's Christmas eve and everyone is busy with the festivities of the season but I am giddy to post something holidayish. After all, it's not everyday you see Santa taking flight! Thanks for indulging me and joining in the fun.

Would you like to share a little holiday cheer?

If you've got a Best Shot Monday badge on your blog, I'd love it if you'd replace it with the new one. And don't forget to link it back to this blog; BSM's new and proper home. Thanks!


Anonymous said...

Merry Christmas, Tracey!

That Santa photo is too funny! Here's mine for the week:

chaoticfamily said...

Wonderful photos - as always.

I will replace my button with the new one - thanks for continuing BSM - would be lost without you! :)

Merry Christmas to you and your family.

Here is mine.

Blessed Nest said...

Merry Christmas!
LOVE the new button!
Glad you are feeling comfortable with the chage!

Julie said...

Yay! My first post at your new place!

I've got two for everyone--this first one isn't all that holiday-ish, although two of the photos definitely answer the question of whether there will be snow for Christmas here...

The other post is definitely holiday-ish. It's our holiday card sent to family and friends, and I'd like to share it with you :) Here goes:

Julie said...

Grr...I forget that I actually have to code the links with Blogger :)

Here's the winter snow post, and here's the holiday card. There!

Anonymous said...

That is an awesome photo!! I'm so glad you're keeping BSM here too -- I've found the greatest people through this.
Merry Christmas

Susiej- Button in the Tree

Melody A. said...

When's the house warming?

Happy Holidays to everyone!

Christina said...

Merry Christmas! And welcome home, BSM!

Such a wonderful photo that captures the magic that is Christmas!

Here's mine...not Christmas-y, altho I have a Christmas-y post planned for later today!

Anonymous said...

This is my first venture with Best Shot Monday--so happy to have found y'all

Love the Santa shot!!


Melody A. said...

Can anyone, or Julie, share how to "code the links" so that we can just click them? Lots of work to copy and paste every link. ;-)

Julie said...

It's html--I don't know if I can do it here, but I'll try to show you:

<a href="" >This is the link. </a>

The "a href" part sets up the link. The /a part shuts off the link. The part between the quotation marks is whatever the link should be.

Let's hope this works!

Melody A. said...

Thanks, Julie! (And Susie.)

Phyllis Sommer said...

happy christmas to you you and yours.

here's mine, a little fun time with my kiddo:

Phyllis Sommer said...

hey tracey - could you set up a mr. linky? that might be easier than everyone trying to remember to code their links? just a thought...happy christmas:-)

Melissa D said...

I have two this week (to celebrate the move!):

Winter Sunset

Vase of Ornaments

mandaroo63 said...

I posted this on Friday, but it has lots of Holiday Cheer. You can get your snowglobe at Cafe Mom too!

Merry Christmas to you and your family Tracey!!!! And to all our blogger friends!

Dawn said...

Merry Christmas, everyone!!

Brittany said...

yay!! Wonderful shots, Tracey!

Here is mine:

Brittany said...

Ok... Gotta link... here it is...

Christmas BSM

Maggie said...

What a cool shot! Merry Christmas!!

Maggie said...

Oops, I forgot to code my link too...

BSM - Santa Surprises

mandaroo63 said...

I just got permission to post the one I really wanted to post for BSM. So, here it is (sorry to have posted two) but this one is worth it for a laugh!

Anonymous said...

I posted my BSM on Sunday, is that ok?

Anonymous said...

I absolutely love your BSM!!! Mine isn't quite as much a great photo as it is an emotional attachment. I love them nonetheless. Merry Christmas!

Rose said...

Merry Christmas! Great photos and I love the new button, I'll have to figure out how to change it out when I return from Texas and also "code the links", too.

Here's mine:

Rose said...

Yeah! How's that?!

Melissa Stover said...

love the photo!
i've got one too.

Maggie said...

I am a tota ditz, but I can't find the code for the new, adorable button - can someone help me?! Thanks!

Phyllis Sommer said...
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Phyllis Sommer said...

let's see if it works right this time, it cut off the end last time?

here is the code i use for bsm:

<a href="" title="Best Shot Monday"><img width="117" alt="Best Shot Monday" src=""/></a>

Phyllis Sommer said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Phyllis Sommer said...


that seems to be the end, which got cut off in the last comment?

blogger and i are not getting along today! sorry for filling up the comments.

Unknown said...

Merry Christmas! I have replaced my button, and I did have my BSM up, but I forgot to post it here.

Was that photo taken at the Grove by chance? Very, very cool shot!

Anonymous said...

Hey, I missed Monday due to Christmas festivities.

But do you have a code for the button that links to MMI? Love the button.

Melissa said...

Here's my "Best Shot "picture.