Saturday, July 08, 2006

What I Consider Cool

My new Mom Bloggers group at Minti
This is a group I hope all of you moms with blogs decide to join. It's a private forum of sorts where we can talk motherhood, blogging, careers, creativity, and anything else we want. Why? Because it's ours...aaaall discuss whatever it is we want. Pick each others brains, ask some question, get some answers, rant, rave, whatever. I'm excited about it and hope you come join the party. I think it's gonna be great! There's already some really great bloggers on board-
Friday Playdate, One Smarmy Mama, and the Rookie Moms to name a few. Come on over. You'll have to shoot me an email a la my Minti Mail with your name and blog info and then I'll add you to the list! We'll be talking some serious mom blog shop.

Moving Pictures
Hooray, my baby sister started blogging! Well, OK, she's not really a baby and she'll hate that I called her that but it's my blog and I can say whatever I want. Anyway, go say hello and share some virtual love as she begins her adventures in blogging.

Pamela Kruger
The Novemeber 2005 issue of Child was an incredibly poignant "Work and Family" special edition. I remember many of the articles vividly and went on a quest to get every woman to read them. I was lending my copy out, sharing what I learned, and pretty much freaking out at what I considered to be a very enlightening issue. My favorite article was called "Working at Home-Reality Vs. Myth" by Pamela Kruger. The title alone makes me drool. And then, it hit me so hard I was moved to tears. And it's not even a sad article! It just was exactly what I needed te read, when I needed to read it.
Fast forward to the August 2006 issue of Child. Pamela offered yet another wonderful story that pretty much hit the Tracey nail on the head. Again. So, I shot her off an email to tell her how wonderful she is and guess what I found? Her website and blog and past articles posted on her site. EUREKA! There it was, THE "Working at Home" article. Go read it. It's awesome.

Job Offer
Looks like the folks from Minti are hiring. Want a job working for the coolest Aussie's on the web? Check it out and go for it.

Blogher Conference
Only 20 days until the big conference. I get to meet Kristen, Liz, Andrea, some of the ClubMom Bloggers, my Minti friends, Her Bad Mother, Sweatpants Mom (please, someone tell me she's going!), the Red Stapler, the list of attendees goes on and on and I am just plain giddy. By the way, if you're still looking to go, keep checking out the Blogher site. I've seen tix coming up for sale now and again.

That seems sufficient for today's list of cool.
Am I missing anything??


Undercover Angel said...

I just signed up for your group at Minti. Thank you for telling us about it.

Mom101 said...

Only twenty days? Good lord. What happened to that intense workout and diet regimine I was supposed to start three months ago? That settles it. No bathing suits.

Jessica Fuselier said...

Thanks for the press, Sister... Thanks for the compliment, "La Vie En Rose".... Thanks for the blank canvas, Blogger.... I sure am a Grateful Girl!!

Pendullum said...

Thanks for visiting my blog...

20 days until all you cool mom bloggers get together...
How great is that???
Raise a glass for me...
Wish I could be there...But looking forward to reading all about it!

Anonymous said...

Great to know we are the coolest Aussie's on the web ;)

It looks like a great group that you have formed - good luck with it! If only I were female... I think there is a daddy bloggers group also.

Also - thanks for mentioning our pr position we are hiring for.

Anonymous said...

I, too, would like more on your perspective of the Minti group and the site. I went to check it out and signed in but have let it die a death of non-attention on my emails.

Don't think now I can get to BlogHer's conference... I am really hoping that there will be some bloggers to blog about the seminars, the topics and all that is being covered. Will you do that? Or point us to others who are or will?

MotherPie Cheers.

Anonymous said...

Tracey, I'll be there! And MotherPie, I'm definitely planning to blog about what I learn from the workshops. Work hard, play hard - that's my BlogHer motto.

Anonymous said...

Don't forget about meeeeeeee!