Saturday, April 12, 2008

Breathing in My Best Shot

Still reveling in the wide open spaces of central California, I wanted to share another photo with you from the other weekend. We took walk after walk through fields of mustard and tall grasses, breathing in the clean cool air of the vastness that surrounded us. Sigh.

I said it was heaven, right?

What little slice of heaven do you have to share this week?


Phyllis Sommer said...

that is simply gorgeous. oh, if the gray skies would part around here....

here's mine...

happy monday all!

divrchk said...

Beautiful. I miss the central coast of California more than anywhere else that I've lived. We live in Monterey for 2 1/2 years. Anyway... Here's mine for the week

Anonymous said...

We are not seeing too much of a blue sky like that around here, so your picture is a breath of fresh air. Thank you for sharing this.

Here's mine:
The boy's dainty socks

Maggie said...

Oh that is so green! It makes me anxious for sunnier weather...

Beautiful shot!

BSM: Havin' Fun

Vered said...


I wish I had a slice of heaven to share. Instead, I captured something today that made me really curious to know how much value other moms place on their wedding bands.

How Important is Your Wedding Band?

Bonnie said...

So beautiful !

best Shot Monday

Anonymous said...

Oh, beautiful green spaces. I love the color on that photo!

Here's mine--you'll see my habitat is a bit fact, the snow was still melting this afternoon!

J's Dirty Hand

Christina said...

Ahh...this is truly lovely. So peacful, serene, full of life. Love the vingette on the sky.

My girl, my heaven!

Unknown said...

Oh...that is really what heaven looks like in my mind. How beautiful, Tracey.

My little bit of heaven this past week was hearing the squeals of delight of my little girls.

Christy said...

Beautiful! I would love to have some of that green sent our way. Still yucky and brown here :(

Megan said...


here's mine: BSM

Crunchy Domestic Goddess said...

wow, that really is gorgeous.

mine is a hint of spring, finally!

Jessica Fuselier said...

Amazing Shot Trace!!
Really Magnificent!

chaoticfamily said...

That's beautiful - so simple yet breathtaking.

Here is mine.

Lara said...

my bit of heaven is here.

i love the colors of your shot. i would love to be in a heaven that looked like that. :)

Anonymous said...

The simplicity and the colors of this photo are breathtaking.

Mine isn't colorful, rather monotone, but it screams heavenly spring.

Best Shot Monday

Anonymous said...

Oh man, I absolutely love that shot Tracey! It's totally soothing...makes me really want a vacation!

Here's my shot:
Best Shot Monday

Anonymous said...

The blues and greens are so pretty.

I may have a very literal piece of heaven. Even though I didn't know you would bring that up.

My Best Shot

Maya said...

Tracy that shot does look exactly like heaven. Just beautiful.

We had some beautiful weather that was heavenly...we're wanting it back now!

Here's Mine!

Leah said...

It's supposed to get nice this week. FINALLY!

We had a window where it wasn't raining on Friday morning and we went to the zoo.

Sara said...

Come see my kid attacked by a shopvac

Jaimee said...

I love the tranquility in that shot!

Here's mine:
BSM-Daddy's Little Boy

Anonymous said...

So, so pretty! When I think of breathing, I think of those blues and greens. Really, I do.

Here is mine.

Blueberry said...

that is just beautiful!!! i wish i was there. :)

here's mine

Dawn said...

That is beautiful, a great way of capturing "wide open spaces".

Here's mine!


Stacy said...

Such a beautiful shot.

Here's mine ...

Anonymous said...

We had a brief taste of spring here in the Canadian Rockies over the weekend.
We also spent a lot of time with our friends new Bassett Hound puppies... the combination was downright delicious and reflected in my own Best Shot Monday!

Holly {ArtistMotherTeacher} said...

Blue skies and life goals are swinging into action at my place.

Mister Blue Skies

Sassy said...

I am feeling it! I was just at a beautiful beach this weekend. Here is my BSM:
Dock of the Bay

Mrs.Naz@BecomingMe said...

Wow! I don't have any amazing photographs to share but my little piece of Heaven are in my daughter's eyes and son's smile.

Anonymous said...

Incredible! Mine is simple, but I'm loving being able to actually go outside again.

Little Profile

Brittany said...

What a stunning shot

Here's mine

kim said...

Here's my heaven in the form of a little boy.

Amy Jo said...

Totally jealous! Absolutely beautiful!

Here's my best shot from last week!

mandaroo63 said...

I love the blue and the graininess in your photo. Tranquil and a bit surreal. We had a great day celebrating Earth Day locally....check it out!
Earth Day at Blue Sky Reserve

Anonymous said...

You're sharing your heaven, I've posted my hell!

Here she is:

Anonymous said...

Just beautiful! Wish we had sun like that today at our house!

Here's my BSM - The "2-Year-Old Birthday Edition"

Andrea said...

There's nothing like getting out in nature!

Here's my contribution.

Best Shot Monday

Anonymous said...

Oh, that is dreamy...We've had nothing but blustery winds all weekend long. Thankfully, the weather forecast's threat of snow never materialized.

Here's BSM.

emily said...

What a lovely photo - it really allows you to feel what the day must have been like.

I don't know that I'll have time to make the rounds to see everyone else's shots today - I may have to check in later in the week, but I did manage to get mine up finally.

Unknown said...

That picture is absolutely gorgeous! Love the colors.

My heaven consists of some family members - it's my first time to participate in BSM...

Tina said...

My first best shot Monday.

I am not sure yet how to make it a link, sorry.

Arizaphale said...

Cool colour! Mine is late and hardly a slice of heaven!!!

natalie said...


I'm up. I'll be by later to check everyone out!

Jenn said...

This is my first best shot - I am excited to join in - your photo is so pretty, the blue is amazing!

This is my best shot -

Kimberly said...

Beautiful! My best shot this week isn't technically good, but the moment captured is absolutely priceless to me.

Brotherly Love

Anonymous said...

wow, what an amazing photo. i especially love the colors so warm and the little pifft of a white cloud floating there in heaven.