Sunday, February 17, 2008

Bloomin' Best Shot Monday

Lately, I have been longing for color. I don't know how else to say it. It's just that simple.

I do appreciate this time of year when living things go dormant, hiding themselves as they prepare for their grand re-entry into the warmth but I am finding myself in need of a bright vibrant splash of life-of true color in all it's glory.

I was going to buy myself some flowers but I waited until Valentine's Day in hopes that I would get something colorful. I was lucky enough to receive beautiful, deep red roses but still...the ache. What I need is the outdoors to begin the slow and steady revealing of spring's bounty.

And just in time, the little signs have started. And I have had to do nothing to bring it about but sit and wait. I'm giddy. Spring will be here before we know it.

Can you feel it?

Have any of the shots you captured lately left you giddy, feeling like hope is restored and that everything is as it should be?


piper said...

I am blissed out by that color!! Wow!! It's the best color of all the colors, so beautiful :)

Great blog you've got here too!

divrchk said...

We're still freezing here in Virginia. We had an ice storm last week it worked out that we had a birthday party to go to on a day that school got canceled. The timing couldn't have been better. The party was at Pump It Up - a bounce house sort of place. Sarah got brave and climbed the giant ladder to the very top to go down the slide. Best Shot Monday

Maggie said...

Gorgeous! After I saw your BSM, I looked through my shots from the week to find something to use...

BSM: A Little Color

Leah said...

There's not much colorful in Chicago lately!

This was the best I could do.

Julie said...

Color isn't happening here, unfortunately :) In fact, everything is just plain all white.

BSM: Neglected Bunny

Anonymous said...

I wish we had some color... need some color. Your best shot does really help brighten the drab days here.

But, I do have a wet valentine, that brightened my day, Here.

Megan said...

beautiful shot of spring on its way! we had a gorgeous blue sunny day today & i couldn't soak up enough sun. my bsm looks a little more like winter though...:(

Andrea said...

Perfect post to go with what I captured today while the hubby and sons worked on preparing our spring garden.

My Best Shot Monday

Stacy said...

Mine is up and boy does it have a lot of color!!

Christie said...

I am ready for a bit of color, but it is still hard to find around here.
Rain Rain Go Away

kim said...

so pretty! I'm yearning for spring color, too! We've had so much snow this year, I'm sick of white.
Mine's up (as of 2 AM) at:

Brittany said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Brittany said...

ok....let's try again!!!

Here's my Shot

Crunchy Domestic Goddess said...

that color is gorgeous! i have a feeling we still have some time to go before the color returns.

here's my Best Shot. it's not very colorful but it does make me feel like all is right in the world. :)

Melissa Stover said...

Great color! I had to look up to find some color today.

Christina said...

Signs of spring around the corner! Lovely!


Unknown said...

oh, i love it. we just got back from i am on color overload...also photo overload - so many to sort out and upload. but these photos of the family make me smile so i had to do 'em for my BSM.

mandaroo63 said...

I love the spring colors. I took this one in my friends garden last week and love the colors in it.

Lara said...

i'm joining in on best shot monday for the first time this week. i have some photos from friday morning that fill me with laughter and hope, but they are pictures of a little boy i work with, and i can't post them on my site for confidentiality for his family. i did post a picture i liked of a valentine's bouquet of roses, though: Trying Something New

i'll be playing along more in the future i hope!

chaoticfamily said...

So pretty - just beautiful.

Here is mine!

Rose said...

Gorgeous color - I love flowers in shades of purple and blue. Yeah for Spring!

Here's mine. A little bit of a holiday wrap-up, too.

Anonymous said...

I don't know...I'm still longing for the mountain winters, missing them.

Still, I LOVE your shot! Mine is up

Wil's Wheels said...

Errr...try this one..

Best Shot Monday

Blessed Nest said...

I'm enjoying the hints of Spring in CA too...beautiful. I do get giddy with Spring around the corner!

here's mine
more comfort today

Bonnie said...

It's summer here so finding color is no problem ! In fact, where I live, it's colorful year round ! Yeah, I love it !! Anyway ... your post helped me figure out what to post in mine ... I was havin' trouble this week !!

Some More Bloomin' Color

Tonya said...

Just beautiful :) Love the colour!

Here is my Best Shot Monday!

Arizaphale said...

LOVE that shade of blue.
It is still v much Summer here. 39C today! Phew!!

Anonymous said...

You have a way of making pictures of flowers look so real.


Anonymous said...

While my shot for my first 'Best Shot Monday' isn't from the past week (it's from the first week of February), it pretty much embodies how I'm feeling with spring now in our Rocky Mountain air...

Colleen @AMadisonMom said...

I know exactly what you mean. I'm so tired of the gray winter. NJ is a long way off from any of that spring color yet though. We'll have quite a while to wait.

Here is my little bit of color.

Holly {ArtistMotherTeacher} said...

My BSM this week showcases some great foreshortening, making my little guy look like he's got a great big noggin.

Best Shot Monday

Andrea said...

A lot of this blogging stuff (ie link sharing) is new to me. I have the Shutters Sisters code and put that link on my blog, and a couple others, but can't seem to find the link code for Best Shot Monday. Many of you have it, so can ya tell me where to get it, so I can put that photo link on my blog.


Dawn said...

Beautiful color, beautiful hope of spring!

Here's mine. I've been MIA the past few weeks, but I was able to produce something worthy for this week!

My Lovely Lucy

Andi said...

What a nice shot...My mother always pointed out the purple blooms of the crocus flower to me as a sure sign of the coming spring- that is what your photo makes me think of. Lovely shot. I struggled this week because of some recent bad weather, but Mother Nature did not let me down.

See mine at:

Please, someone, help out the newbie and reveal the link secret here!

Anonymous said...

I've been very preoccupied with life, but I'm back to your BSM's! Very gorgeous photo, it makes me long for Spring and warm weather!!

My BSM is up at

Anna said...

GORGEOUS, I so love those colors together, sure beats my attempt at glimpsing a new england spring last week.

This week? How's THIS for a complete contrast to your shot? :)

jen lemen said...

love this and yes, yay for color! yay for spring! yay for all that renewal we've been waiting for!

Anna said...

Errrr...I meant THIS!

Sorry about that!

d.girl said...

I'm ready for spring too...

This one shows color:
my BSM

This one is for fun:
the Fox

Stacy said...

Beautiful shot and beautiful colors.

I'm laughing here, because my shot of horses in the snow is showing me that spring is not near for us. ;)

Cindy said...

Ooooh, pretty!!!

I've played this week, showing something that makes me giddy!

Anonymous said...

Beautiful! We have these in profusion all along our walk once spring finally hits here : )


Amy Jo said...

Here's mine!

I love pics of flowers!

m.e. said...

Happy Monday, everybody! Sorry I'm late ;-(

Anonymous said...

I am so discouraged by the lack of color in my world right now.
Your post puts everything in perspective for me.
Thankyou thankyou Thankyou!
It's just what I needed right now.

Maya said...

I am missing color too...thanks for sharing some of the color around you! Send it this way please! :)

Anonymous said...

Thanks for stopping by my blog! I love your shot of color. We still have cold and snow. I'm ready for that first shot of the first crocus. I can't wait!

You have some great shots on your blog.

HLB said...

Running a touch late (okay, a day), but wanted to share a bit of color from the Huntington Gardens in CA. :)

Anonymous said...

OMG! That's seriously one of my favorite flower shots ever.

Michelle at said...

Hi, sorry if I am dense but I have looked all over and I can't find any info -- what are the rules for Best Shot Monday?