Sunday, February 10, 2008

Wake Up Call

Happy Best Shot Monday!

On most mornings when I am shuffling around, trying to get out of the house to start the daily rounds, my girls run ahead to decorate the car windows with messages and pictures.

I wanted to share this with you today because I found it especially charming!

So...what shot brightens your day?

Hey Mom! Happy Birthday. Hope you have a HAPPY day. : )


Bonnie said...

Am I really the first comment ? Or have the other just not shown up yet ?!

Love the drawing !!

The kids brighten my days regularly. My BSM this week is a photo from a couple of years ago ... Li Li Window Shots

Maya said...

What a way to start the day with pretty artworks!

Here's mine this week:
Best Shot Monday

kim said...

That's so sweet!
Mine will be up by 5:00am in the morning at:

Anonymous said...

That's hilarious! What a great way to start the morning!
Nutcrackers brighten my day... Nutcrackers who read! Reading

Maggie said...

So cute! What a great way to start the day!

BSM: Salt and Pepper

Stacy said...

My best shot is from this weekend. We took Big J bowling for the first time. There's nothing cuter than a preschooler trying to push a heavy ball down the lane.

Anonymous said...

I love window drawings by wee artists!


Anonymous said...

Ooh, here's another frosty car window pic! Also, please send space heaters to Chicago, because I am COLD.

Best COLD Shot

Megan said...

i love how the smile is dripping a bit! my BSM is up early at

chaoticfamily said...

Oh is that ever cute. LOL very sweet.

Here is mine!! I still don't know how to do the link properly. :(

Brittany said...

Aww! I love it! :)

I didn't participate last week; I missed everyone! :) Here's my shot:

My Best Shot

Phyllis Sommer said...

i love that you took the time out of the busy morning to take a picture of it!

here's mine...we've had so much snow!

Christina said...

Such a bright and cheerful start to the day! I love it.


Crunchy Domestic Goddess said...

that is so funny and sweet of your girls to leave little messages and pics on your car each morning. :)

here's my Best Shot for the week

Cari said...

That's a great way to start the day!

I'm feeling recharged

Bunny said...

What a lovely way to start the day!
Here are my best shots:
Cows and Clouds

Julie said...

I can't wait until we have dew on the cars instead of frost!

Here's mine...

Anonymous said...

That's so sweet. You're raising very thoughtful girls.

My Best Shot

natalie said...

I am seriously going to figure out that link thing for next week.

My MBS is up at:

I can't wait to see what everyone has this week. I LOVE that sweet picture on the car!


Angie said...

Smiles to the smiley face! Here's a shot of unrequited love for Valentine week.

Blueberry said...

awwwwww, that is cute!!

Anna said...

Wait a minute--how cold does it get, there? I picture you with palm trees, Tracey!

Great photo!

my sign of spring
on the east coast, where it can't come soon enough!

Kyla said...

My BSM There are a whole lot of photos this week, but my favorite is marked.

What a sweet little doodle!!

Greg C said...

I love those little window doodles. I posted some pictures on my blog this morning but I don't know how to participate in this best shot monday thing.

m.e. said...

Awee, what a sweet shot, Tracey. Here's mine:

Andrea said...

It's much warmer here in Texas, so we haven't seen that stuff on our cars in the mornings yet. ;)

Here's my BSM

Sara said...

What a sweet smily face.

Here's mine.
ICU Bloopers

Amy Jo said...

How sweet of your girls!

Here's my girl!

Blessed Nest said...

here's mine..a little late but I made it!! Have a good Monday!xo

comfort food

Anonymous said...

Gotta love that window art! Here's my shot for today! href="

Anonymous said...

I apparently haven't figured out how to do this link thing! This is my second try!

Anonymous said...

Aww, your girls are too sweet! Of course, where I live, you'd need something sharper than a finger to leave a drawing on the car window in the morning. It's pretty icy over here!

Here's my post:
BSM: My Brown Eyed Girl

Anonymous said...

That's awesome. Every once in a while the sun hits the backseat window just the right way and I can see little fingerprints... they're like subliminal smiles to me. :)

This shot made me giggle today:

Anonymous said...

Oops, link didn't work. Err.

Try this.

Cindy said...

I finally got mine up!!! I didn't think I was going to be able to "play" this week!

Brightened my day!!!

Anonymous said...

AAWw how sweet!

Rose said...

Tracey, that's so sweet! Although it looks cold!

Here's mine holding up the rear after a long day at work!

Sassy said...

Your shot made me smile. Brittany sent me. I will be reading often!

Anonymous said...

Artwork in surprising places, huh?


If you are interested in a photo challenge, please join me at
Appreciate a visit even if you are not, though.

Anonymous said...

Precious stuff.

Just wait til they're older...or maybe it's just boys...and draw butts or write not-nice notes to each other in the dew (or dust) of car windows. :)

mandaroo63 said...

I'm never up early enough to see dew on the windows, but I have seen the frost on the roof behind us from my window! That's a cute capture! Kids love to draw on everything, huh? Well, I'm reallllly late on BSM, but some of you asked to see the after of Olivia's haircut, so I'm linking it anyway.
Happy belated Monday! : )

Anonymous said...

I love this.
I know that someday I will miss all the fingerprints, the dirty footprints and all the other reminders of childhood.
Thatnks for the lovely reminder.

Giftedmom said...


What a unique way to get to the heart of Mom!