Monday, January 21, 2008

My 'Shutter Sisters' Shot Monday

It's almost launch time for Shutter Sisters! Tomorrow...we're launching tomorrow!

As you can imagine I am bursting at the seams. I can't wait to hear what you all think!

So, what shots got you excited today?


Anonymous said...

Love that picture and I can not wait til tomorrow!

Here's what gets me excited:

Stacy said...

Yay! I knew it was going to be a Shutter Sisters Shot. I am so excited for your debut. Can't wait!!!

Here's my shot for today.

Blueberry said...

that is a great picture!!

here is my shot for this week:

Anonymous said...

Congratulations on a dream making it's way out of the shell. Here's what makes me excited...
Baby It's Cold!

Brittany said...

That's so exciting! I can't wait to check it out!! :)

Here's my shot for the day:

B&W Matthew

Unknown said...

THAT photo is incredible. I'm so excited for tomorrow!!

I have a few photos today since we had a bit of a milestone moment around our house, but I did pick one of them for my BSM.

Anonymous said...

I can't wait for Shutter Sisters!

Here's mine!

divrchk said...

I can't wait to see what shutter sisters brings!

Here is mine from a snow day last week. I'm still messing around with my 50mm lens and liked how the light was in this shot.

Christina said...

Oh, I am SO excited for Shutter Sisters! Yay!

Here's mine...a bit long today and with lots of older pictures, but once I got started I just had to tell the whole story!
A Love Story

Megan said...

can't wait to see what you unveil!

sorry, but i just can't seem to make a link...even with phyllis' lessons :(...

Dawn said...

Best Shot Monday

I've been anticipating this for awhile! Yay Shutter Sisters!

Sara said...

Oh how exciting! good luck.

Anonymous said...

I am so excited for your new project!

Ok, here is my best shot from this past week.

Blessed Nest said...

very exciting..I can't wait to ck it out. Beautiful picture as always. You need to post tutorials!! hehe

Anonymous said...

I was thrilled with sunshine over the freakin' freezin' weekend and took some shots on our outing to the store-a true photojunkie I am!

WhooHoo AND SO excited about your debut tomorrow!


Maya said...

I am so excited to check out Shutter Sisters! I've been following others talking about it too and can't wait! You all have been such inspiration!

Here's mine this week!

Donna said...

Congratulations on the launch of Shutter Sisters! I'm excited for you!

Stacy said...

Congratulations! I can't wait to see what you have come up with on your new site.

Here's mine for today, a different shot and some words from the heart.

natalie said...

Yeah!!! Love that shot and can not wait for shutter sisters to be up and running...shooting?

My MBS is up at

My goal for the week is to make the ordinary become extraordinary, so hopefully I'll have something fantastic next week. This week is just on the okay side of life!

Christie said...

I am so curious about the unveiling...
I also got a bit of sun in my shot this week. No bare legs & arms though!

Phyllis Sommer said...

here's a giveaway! i'm so excited for shutter sisters....

my bsm and a giveaway

(and i'm proud of all of you with your links:-)

Anonymous said...

How exciting!!! I've always loved that photo, too.

Here's my post for the week:

Kim said...

Mine's just basically a repeat.
:-) Taken LAST still counts though, right? :-)

Amy Jo said...

Very cool shot! I love the color...Can't wait to check out Shutter Sisters!

Here's my shot.

Kim said...

Oops, forgot the link!

Rose said...

I can't wait to check it out tomorrow! Yeah!
Here's my best shot this week.

Crunchy Domestic Goddess said...

great picture! i'll be chking in tomorrow to see what all the buzz is about. :)

thoughts of spring have me excited this week:

oh and i also have a tutorial for putting a border around your photo (like i do with almost all of my pics) today.

Maggie said...

I'm totally excited for tomorrow - I can't wait to see what you have been working so hard on!

Best Shot Monday

Anonymous said...

Oh that pic is lovely. The colors and the mood...fantastic.

Here's mine: Wild at Heart

Anonymous said...

Thats a lovely shot, so arty. Mines is at

chaoticfamily said...

Very exciting for you - excellent shot and can't wait to see what you have in store!

I'm late - had an intersting start to my morning - lol - oh dear...

mandaroo63 said...

Great photo for your new blog. Can't wait to see what's in store!

Anonymous said...

Love the photo and love that the launching of SS of upon us!

My BSM is up, not exciting, unless stinky shoes thrill you...
Best Shot Monday

Bonnie said...

Hooray ... looking forward to tomorrow's launch !

Here's mine for this week:
Brotherly Love

Colleen @AMadisonMom said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Colleen @AMadisonMom said...

Trying again...

Very excited about the debut of Shutter Sisters!!!

I'm sharing a little humor today. Zoe's been a little silly this week.

href="">Upside Down

If that doesn't work...

Colleen @AMadisonMom said...

one more try... then I give up

Upside Down

Anonymous said...

Love the photo, and how it looked like at your Shutter Sisters site. I'm not female, but is it still OK if I visit that site when it's up?


Stacie said...

What happened when I tried to do Valentine's Day shots with a lollipop.

emily said...

I'm looking forward to checking out Shutter Sisters tomorrow!

Here's my contribution.

m.e. said...

Well, I've been away from here for a while, but I'm comin' back, and I'm for the Shutter Sisters launch!!

Here'sa shot from a session I did this weekend ;-) Happy Monday, y'all!

Kyla said...

Here's my Best Shot Monday.

How exciting!

mandaroo63 said...

I got home and decided to post one....

Anonymous said...

I'm so excited for you! I can't wait. eeeeee!g

Anna said...


Just getting home after a long day, and I'm glad I can post a comment now, guess I was up too early with my pictures of CORN ALL OVER!

But they are sleeping so sweetly now.


So excited to see Shutter Sisters!

LLW said...

That is a fantastic picture! Love it.

Here is my entry, a little late in the day, it's been a busy Monday.


Arizaphale said...

Hooray for Shutter Sisters.

Late as usual.

Tonya said...

I am a day late :( Anyway, here it is :)

Here is my Best Shot Monday!

Kimberly said...

I'm a day late too, but better late than never I suppose!

Unknown said...

Cute shot, you look nervous. :)

I'm loving the site and am in fact popping over to all the blogs to say, HI, Great site!

Barbara said...

here is mine!
And I am kind of clueless on how to make a link. Sorry!