Tuesday, January 22, 2008

Lessons of a Launch

I've learned things in this process that I never thought I'd need to know; like it takes time for the remapping of urls to kick in (hence the reason why Shutter Sisters doesn't appear to be live). I've learned things that I'm happy to know--like some html code (which is really cool and all consuming). I've learned things I forgot I knew; like how trying to juggle the family on a holiday weekend while working doesn't mix. And I've learned that having an incredible amount of support around me (hello internet friends!) makes certain set backs a little easier to handle.

My sister always reminds me that these things are hiccups not face plants and someone else said something similar in an email last night when the panic began to kick in. So, although we are ready to open the doors to Shutter Sisters, the url isn't cooperating just yet. However because I just can't wait for that, I am going to invite you to visit anyway and offer this link which will work!


Keep in mind that the registration process on the blog won't work until the url kicks in (or so they say) but at least you can take a look around and see what we've I've been cooking up for quite some time now.

I can't wait to hear your feedback--she says nervously. Be gentle with me...it's still early on the west coast.


Maya said...

It looks wonderful! I just spent time on there when I should be working!!! What a wonderful group of women you have gathered. I hope my photography grows more and more as I gather inspiration from you all!

Megan said...

it is fabulous! like maya, i have just spent 20 mins on shuttersisters when i'm supposed to be getting ready for houseguests to arrive...can you guess which one i'm more excited about? ;)

Anonymous said...


Thank you for doing this. You rock!

myriam said...


Such a gift to the world!!!

Amazing work Tracey, just wonderful!!!!

m.e. said...

Looks great! Looking forward to being inspired ;-)

Anonymous said...

WOW. I'm going to love seeing what you guys do here. Tracey, your work is phenomenal.

Bonnie said...

It is FANTASTIC Tracey !!! I love it !

Maggie said...

Tracey, it is AMAZING!! I am totally in awe....what a great job you have done!

Angella said...

I just found out about both you AND Shutter Sisters today.

My otherwise crappy day has been completely redeemed!

Anonymous said...

It looks awesome Tracey! Congratulations on birthin' this baby!

And just think, there's NO mastitis in your future!


Anonymous said...

YAY! I can't wait until the kids go to bed tonight so I can actually concentrate and read all the yummy blog entries from the shutter sisters. I feel like I just joined an exclusive sorority for female photographers.. It looks fantastic!

Anonymous said...

Admist a lot of nervous excitement and crossing fingers and telling myself nothing can happen that I haven't experienced before... something always inevitably farks up in a launch. And on this one its the registration module.

Tracey already knows this, but for those of you following along, the registration tool is not working. But the good news is, you don't NEED to register to do anything on the site.

If you'd LIKE to subscribe to our email newsletter, you can do so where it says "get into the click".

The Snapfish offer is good whether you sign up for the mailing list or not. Just something Tracey was able to hook everyone up with for coming by the site. :)

Anonymous said...

This is amazing! I look forward to the inspiration...

Anonymous said...

WOW, it looks really great!!!

Cari said...

It looks so wonderful, Tracey. The Sisters have some great photos and insights and the plans look to be working out great.

Best of luck working out the launch pains. We'll still be here when it's all ironed out. :)

Elizabeth said...

I was led here from the Shutter Sisters website. Congratulations! It's lovely and I can't wait to participate.

Jessica said...

Congratulations, it looks amazing. I've been checking the URL ever since I received your notebooks at BlogHer.