Wednesday, May 28, 2008
Against All Odds
Tuesday, May 27, 2008
Rockin' It With the Rookies
A few years back (has it really been that long?) I met the fabulous ladies affectionately called the Rookie Moms. Not only are they wonderful people, but they are behind a great site that offers the most clever and quip ideas for new moms ever compiled into one delightful website and corresponding blog. It’s no surprise that somebody snapped up the idea for a book.

I have read through many of the ingenious (and humorous) activities offered on the Rookie Moms site but when I sat down with the book, I was delighted once again by these rich little mommy gems. My favorites being some of the photo projects they suggest, of course.
Take activity #236 which suggests documenting your child’s latest obsession via photos or video. You know, like eating oatmeal every single night before bed. Or is that just my kid?
Or #227 which encourages you to remember photographing babies objects of affection. Since I’ve got one bunny lover and one blankie baby, this one is near and dear to my heart. The Rookie Moms even go as far as to offer effective ways to tackle the photo challenge depending on your personality type; the sentimental or the artsy mom, the absurdist or the bad girl. Funny stuff! I am sooooo going to do some of these (and I am far from a Rookie Mom anymore).
The Rookie Mom Handbook is the perfect book for any new mom (hello baby shower gift). It’s a quick read with fantastic and funny activities to make the early years of motherhood meaningful and that much more enjoyable. And it’s written by two cool moms who have been there before and are doing it all over again.
Way to go Rookie Moms! You rock. All the cool moms think so.
Posted by
tracey clark
1:23 PM
Labels: "Mother Talk", books, fun, motherhood, photography, review

Fit Photo Contest
Do you think you've got a photo that fits? If not, then nows the time to get clickin'.
Pop over to Shutter Sisters for a chance to win the Wii and the Wii Fit!
Posted by
tracey clark
10:57 AM
Labels: contests, fun, games, Nintendo, photography, Shutter Sisters, Wii

Friday, May 23, 2008
Gone Baby Gone
Since I am about out the door for an adventure filled holiday weekend with 12 10-year-olds at Surf Camp (yes we've had thundershowers for 24 hours now, oh joy) I thought I'd post my Best Shot Monday today! I won't be home until Monday afternoon (unless of course we get rained out) so we'll just call this a Best Shot weekend!

Thursday, May 22, 2008
Do the Do
When my grandmother recently asked my straggly haired daughter is she ever “does her hair” I tried not to take offense. As most of you well know, my youngest is her own creature; a force to be reckoned with. A thrasher ballerina and fearless warrior cowgirl princess. Before she could answer the hair question I jumped in with a “yes Grandma, we do her hair everyday for school.” As much as my urchin girl has come to accept (and I think love) her mop in it's most natural state, she passionately embraces the glory of fancy girlie do. Fine by me. I adore them both.
Although I don’t consider myself a girlie girl at all, I also love me a fun hair do. I’m a short hair kinda gal so little clips and stubby pigtails are right up my alley. This is why when I got to pick out a few fancy “no slip” clips by Maiden America to try, I was sure to order some for my daughters and a few playful designs for myself. And one for my baby niece who has the cutest baby hair-do in all the world. Go see for yourself-she is ADORABLE!
I only have a few words to say about these clips. Love. Love. Love. Maiden America offers a gazillion beautiful designs (for every kind girl), they live up to their “no slip” guarantee which pretty much rules and they are a mom run business and the clips are made by moms. What’s not to love?
More rave reviews can be found at the Parent Blogger Network.
Wednesday, May 21, 2008
A Gift from Rwanda
Jen has updated her blog with the most stunning photo of Odette's daughters Grace and Lillian.
I just wanted to share it with you.
Posted by
tracey clark
3:15 PM
Labels: beauty, friends, gifts, giving, joy, kindness, photography, Shutter Sisters

Sunday, May 18, 2008
A Brave and Borrowed Best Shot
Jen left today for Rwanda. I have thought about her all day. She left a heartfelt and honest post on her blog before she left and posted lovely photos. I am borrowing one for today's Best Shot because I love everything about it.
photo by jen lemen
Even thought I didn't take this photo, I feel like I can borrow it from Jen (since I gave this little gem to her to carry with her on her trip, it feels OK). It's my way of honoring her as she forever changes the lives of everyone she touches in Africa. She is the bravest person I know.
What would you like to honor with your Best Shot today?
Wednesday, May 14, 2008
Love Notes for Thursday
Tuesday, May 13, 2008
Playing Eco
The Discovery Channel Store comes up with the coolest toys. The camera my daughter has is great fun so I thought I'd try out one of the eco friendly games they've got going. Considering we love games around here I thought Rapido sounded kind of fun. You know, quick and challenging. My youngest daughter looooves a good race so a game where you have to race to win is alright by her. Except when she can't win. Perhaps it's a sore loser kind of thing or maybe the game is just a little too advanced for her (or maybe a little of both) but after trying it out, she's not super excited it.
I thought it seemed fun enough-picking up these little marbles with a bamboo tube in the same color pattern as your little game board but she's not hip to it. I think it was because each time she picked up a marble she would end up losing it out the top because she was tipping the tube and they were rolling out. Bummer. I will offer a kudos to Discovery for trying to get some games made of 'sustainable materials' out there (instead of plastic) and I'll definitely be giving this game another chance in like a year when my daughter is closer to 6. I'll let you know what happens.
If you're looking for something that might be a better fit the younger set, check out Rapelli. Some of the Parent Bloggers will be reviewing it soon so be sure to read what they have to say.
Review brought to you by The Parent Blogger Network.
Sunday, May 11, 2008
Something About Mother's Day
One of the many perks of having preschool aged children is getting handmade Mother's Day gifts. I'm a sucker for every painted, glued, stitched, drawn, folded, pipe cleanered, popsicle sticked work of art.
On the other hand, when you've got a near middle-schooler, they are old enough to translate to your spouse your deep and desperate desire for a spa pedicure. Pedicure gift certificates are my most favorite things. Ever. Second only to macaroni jewelry.
Speaking of jewelry, you can still enter the Blue Poppy Motherhood necklace giveaway by leaving a comment on the Mother's Day Post at Shutter Sisters.
I do hope all of you moms enjoyed your Sunday and took plenty of photos to choose from for your Best Shot Monday. I bet you did, didn't you?
Posted by
tracey clark
8:06 PM
Labels: Best Shot Monday, family, giving, motherhood, Shutter Sisters

Friday, May 09, 2008
Are Wii Fit Yet?
Nintendo threw a fit at my house last night. A Wii Fit that is.
After our little personal training session, Wii are all still smiling. I think that's a good sign.
Since I'm just a beginner I won't try to act like a pro and review it just yet. I do however plan on giving Fit a try to see what happens. God knows, I could use a little Fit in my life. I'm not an exercise kind of gal so it should be entertaining if nothing else. And I plan on sharing my progress. Did I really just say that out loud?
If you'd care to join me in having your own Fit (Wii Fit hits the stores at the end of the month) you are going to be very excited when I tell you that there is a giveaway in the making as we speak. Something along the lines of this one but with a photo twist.
More on that soon. Very soon. Wii pinky swear.
I think this post Fits nicely under the Thursdays Theme of FUN over at The Land of Ka. Sure, it may be Friday but Wii partied on Thursday so it's gotta count, right?
Wednesday, May 07, 2008
A Good Way to Start the Day
Sunday, May 04, 2008
Incriminating Shot Monday
We've never been a dog family. We are a cat family. We're still enjoying our faithful 18-year-old cat, thankfully. Lucky for my husband and I, both sets of grandparents have dogs which gives the kids a regular dog-fix without us having to commit to another pet. Whew.