Saturday, April 19, 2008

My Sunny Best Shot Monday

You are my sunshine, my only sunshine,
You make me happy when skies are gray.
You'll never know dear how much I love you...

We're you lucky enough to capture a little sunshine this week?


Brittany said...

beautiful!!!! :) I certainly was able to catch some sunshine... and got to play with photoshop a bit, too!

Here's my Sunshine

Anonymous said...

Yes! We finally got some sunshine here too! She is adorable!

Here's mine! Cheap Clothes Hurt Mother Earth

Andrea said...

There's nothing like a beautiful smile on a daughter's face!

Here's my Sunshine

Sassy said...

I love your sweet girls laugh, it is contagious.
Here is mine:
Family Affair

kim said...

Adorable!!!! Love that happy happy face.
My sunshine this week is a little bit silly.
Look What I Can do

kim said...

Oops, try this one
Look What I Can Do

Leah said...

It's been beautiful here finally too.

Here is mine.

Crunchy Domestic Goddess said...

oh, that picture makes me smile too! love it! :)

Here are my two sunshines

Christina said...

Her laughter is infectious! And oh my, how she has grown...

Here is My Sunshine!

Jessica Fuselier said...

My first thought was I wonder who that girl is...
She's so cute!
Then I realized it was my niece...
Wow she looks so grown up!!
Too precious!!!

Megan said...

how can you not smile looking at that picture?

here's mine:

chaoticfamily said...

She is full of sunshine - what a doll.

Here is mine.

Anonymous said...

such sweet sunshine!!
I grabbed a bit of sunshine too!

Entertaining Royalty

Jaimee said...

What a gorgeous smile!

Here's my Sunshine

Deb said...

Oh she's beautiful! And it was a gorgeously sunny weekend here too - finally! :)

Here's my Best Shot:

Unknown said...

she has a very sunny smile - great shot!

we had a little sun and did some spring cleaning, so i got some shots of my sunshine - and her sunshine!

Anonymous said...

Wow, does her face ever radiant sunshine. Beautiful.

How about a shot from beneath the trees with a little sun, a little shadow...
Best Shot Monday

Rose said...

She is so cute! I had a lot of smiles today too.

Here's my sunshine!

Lara said...

oh so precious! i just love that big smile. :)

this week, i am ready for some sunshine:

Bring on the Sun

Maggie said...

What a perfect smile! I don't think that she could look any happier!

BSM: A Little of This, A Little of That

natalie said...

Oh, yes...there was much sunshine at a 1st birthday party we attended this weekend.

Here is an example:

Birthday Girl

Stacy said...

My best shot is actually the opposite of sunny. It's dirty and gritty ... at least the place where the picture was taken.

Anonymous said...

What a sweet face. Freckles and all.

Fiesta time here in San Antonio!
My Fiest Best Shot

Blueberry said...

that is such a great picture!!!

here is mine:
best shot

Dawn said...

Indeed. Sunshine all over!!


Kyla said...

Oh yes, we caught lots of sunshine this weekend! It was my little guy's birthday!

Phyllis Sommer said...

that is beautiful. we had a lot of passover sun this weekend:-)

Stacy said...

Wonderful shot Tracey.

Mine were taken at dusk, so not very sunny but fun all the same. :)

Unknown said...

what a great smile - she's so happy!! I posted some flowers which need sunshine to grow- ha!

Chaotic Joy said...

Oh this picture is fantastic! We did get some sunshine this weekend as well. And some Pouting in the process.

emily said...

What a joyful picture! I captured a little sunshine around here last week.

Holly {ArtistMotherTeacher} said...

So sweet.

Here's mine: here comes the sun...

Amy Jo said...

So cute Tracey! Here are my little sunshines!

Anonymous said...

What a smile!
Here's mine:Tired Best Shot

Anonymous said...

Love kids' smiles! Contageous!!

I just found out about BSM, but I'd love to share one of my "sunshines":

mandaroo63 said...

She's so giggly, and happy and cute!!!! I can feel the sunshine coming through my monitor ; )
Here's some sunshine in my mum's garden....


Anonymous said...

I'm always ready to offer a little sunshine! Love the pic!

Here's mine:
Best Shot Monday

Happy Monday everyone!

Anonymous said...

Adorable! She sure does look sunny in that shot.

Here's my BSM. Happy Monday, everyone!

mandaroo63 said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Andi said...

what a lovely smile and such sunshine! We had a great weekend for sunshine here too.

d.girl said...

This is a pic I took about two weeks ago. I've been waiting for a good time to use it. Thanks for happy thoughts!

more Sunshine

Arizaphale said...

Nothing but sunshine our way! What a pretty shot. Full of character.
Here's mine; late again.

Christy said...

Nice capture.

We had no sunshine, but still some adventure.

no sunshine

lizziemarie said...

I just love love love the baby teeth!

Mrs.Naz@BecomingMe said...

Your work is truly amazing

jen lemen said...

oh, my camera is sitting in a pile on top of illustrations to be scanned, but i have to comment on this picture. this is the kind of photo that makes you melt when they're on to some other age and stage. so adorable!

Anonymous said...

Beautiful! And I LOVE that you have put "You Are My Sunshine" with it. My great-great uncle Jimmy Davis wrote that song and I've always claimed it as my own and it can get over used a lot, but this is a perfect use of it. Great photo!
Caroline Davis