Sunday, March 02, 2008

My Best Shot of Me (behind the camera, of course)

Recently, I was asked to shoot a self-portrait for a project that a good friend is working on. Although this shot isn't the one I gave her, it is one of my favorites from my little self-portrait session. I love off beat the texture in the shot (see noise all on the right side of the image). The trick? I shot it into a beloved antique mirror. The age of the glass can be seen in the photo and was nicely highlighted by the sunlight beaming in. It gives it kind of a funky nostalgic feel.

I think I like it mostly because I've been feeling a little funky maybe I'm going through my own little personal growth spurt. Those can be kinda weird. Good, but weird. This shot conveys the strangeness I have been feeling; a little melancholy, a little blue and a lot moody. I'll get through it, I always do. But for now. I have to just sit with the funkiness, reflect on it and then bid it 'good day'.

All that just to ask you, what kind of reflection does your best shot offer today?


Anonymous said...

Great self-portrait -- very accurate representation of you, I'm sure!

Mine's up!

Anonymous said...

Oh, shoot, didn't include my link:

Phyllis Sommer said...

beautiful self-portrait. i love it.

here's mine...

Leah said...

I love the funky shots. I should go out and do more.

Mine is pretty traditional, but I still like it.

Bonnie said...

I love that ! I'll have to try my hand at a self portrait that doesn't involve my web cam !!

Mine is here

Brittany said...

What a great shot! :)

Here's Mine

Kimberly said...

Love the concentration on your face Tracy.

Here's minefor this week.

Stacy said...

love the pig tails!!

here's my best shot.

Megan said...

growth spurts can be uncomfortable, but always have good end results -- love the self-portrait.

here's mine

Anonymous said...

I really should do a few self-portraits. Yours is SO nice--I could only wish it would turn out like that!

Here's mine, of J, of course!

Crunchy Domestic Goddess said...

ooh, i LOVE this self-portrait. very moody, very funky, very you.

my best shot this week is a messy little boy :)

Anonymous said...

I love that one. And, I'm with you about the funky part...must be that time of year or something...

Here's my shot!
Best Shot Monday

Maggie said...

Fantastic self portrait! It is funky - I love it!


Unknown said...

I love the funky - right down to the pigtails, so great!

Mine is up, too.

Christina said...

Oh my, how I love this - especially the moody tons and the pigtails! Wonderful SP

I have been reflecting, too...reflecting on my Little Lady

Anonymous said...

what a great shot. I love the captures my moodiness too. I can relate to the mood of the picture..haha
going through a few of my own growth spurts...

open door...

Anonymous said...

try this link the one above did not work??

open door

chaoticfamily said...

I love this shot - it's very powerful!!

I'm finally back this week so here is mine.

Happy Monday!

Anonymous said...

Oh love it with that lens. :) Here's mine: Early Morning Study

Bunny said...

Tracey, I am all about the funks and the weirdness, I've been going through something similar myself. I;m in a rambling mood this morning, but taking a lot of photos:
Monday Ramblings

Anonymous said...

I hear ya about the chafing of funkiness-growth-whatever-it-is!

Great self-portrait, I think it captures those feelings you described quite well.


Anonymous said...

Great self portrait. And mirror, too.

My Best Shot

natalie said...

My MBS is up...friendship this week.

Blueberry said...

great portrait! i think it is quiet beautiful!

Anonymous said...

Here is mine. I have a give away too- 2 3 month premium memberships to picnik and 1 full year premium membership to picnik. Leave a comment and you are entered!

amanda said...

Here's how I'm feeling lately -

Jessie said...

That is a great shot of you! I hear you mama about being in a funk, must be the water. My BSM is of my friends babe - this one is not enhanced. Have a great week!

Jessie said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Sassy said...

I see my reflection in my children, good or not.

Like the shot of you. I did the same of myself this weekend, but didn't have time to edit it for my BSM.
Here is mine: Over-looked

Sara said...

Awesome self portrait!

Bringing The Kids Together

Kim said...

Love the self-portrait.
Here's mine:

Maya said...

I love everything an antique mirror can say in just a simple photograph.

Dealing with some sick ones in our household this week...

Amy Jo said...

Fun shot Tracy! I'll have to try it!

Here's my best shot from last week. Thank god it's March!

Anonymous said...

Very cool! My best shot reflects back to me how much I love furry creatures. It was taken with my camera phone.

Kyla said...

Here's mine! Baby Redwood

Rose said...

That is a very cool shot, I love the mirror! (and your little pig tail peeking out...)

We're in to birthday count down here...
my best shot

Anna Sawin said...

Here's mine along with questions for you about how your organize and backup your photos! Please help me, BSM photographers, I need serious help with photo workflow!

Love the pigtail in your self portrait, Tracy!

Anonymous said...

That must be a very cool mirror indeed! Love how that turned out.

Here's mine for this week:

Anonymous said...

I just realized that my link was not complete...ugh!!!! that's what happens with lack o sleep and a house full of sickos. Here is my furry creature love again:

Holly {ArtistMotherTeacher} said...

I've got a very telling shot of who I am these days up.

monkey, cow, elephant
I'm not those things, by the way.

emily said...

I like your self-portrait a lot. The etching on the mirror is lovely.

Here's my picture.

cathy said...

love it!!

Andi said...

What a unique glimpse into you! Lovely self-portrait.
I did some reflecting as well...

d.girl said...

Love your hair like that!

Mine is a mini-me shot, a reflection of me years ago...BSM

Anonymous said...

I love the grainy texture of the mirror. My first time to join in you can view it here:

Anonymous said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
HLB said...

I love the shot, the texture and colors are great!

I haven't done a self-portrait in quite a while (I do remember I kept going back and forth between keeping my non-camera eye open or closed...), so figured I'd try for a different perspective from my usual. (Obviously, it's not actually me in the picture, I really can't run that far in a 10 second timer; but, from that distance, it's a being much like me. :) )

Lara said...

more roses for me this week: "Flawless."

Anonymous said...

i like this photo, the pigtails, the way you're sitting, the lighting in the mirror. i like what you say about a personal growth spurt. that's a good way to put it, i think i'm there too, growing in ways that i'll find out later when things in life don't fit so well anymore. i also notice that you look through your left eye while shooting too (me too). i recently just started noticing this, and most people i've met use their right eye with the viewfinder. any thoughts on that? right eyed, left eyed?

mandaroo63 said...

I love how you took that in the sketched mirror frame! I'm late (again) but didnt' want to miss out on the fun! : )

Anonymous said...

I'm late, of course, but that's par for my course.

I saw your post yesterday and got to thinking. I borrowed an idea from you, not sure how well it worked.

Loved your portrait, and love the hair.

Anonymous said...

Fixing my link above.


I think. Hope this works.

Anonymous said...

This is such a cool shot. I've been in a creative funk and emotional blue mood recently...what's up?

I don't have a photo this face has been in the toilet. But I always have to check out yours and others. yeah, it is Wednesday.

Anonymous said...

ooh! I love the pigtails. :)