Today is Love Thursday at Shutter Sisters and I have had my photo ready since last week! But before I posted it here, I read Karen's post and it stirred up a recent memory worth sharing. Again, tying in The Land of Ka's Theme, Memory- talk about synchronicity.
A few weeks ago on my way to scoop up my daughters from Grandma's house, the sunset beckoned me to to pull my car over to admire it's blaze (yes, this luxury is exactly why I choose to live on the Pacific Ocean). I had my camera with me too--imagine that!
As I sat there enjoying the last sweet moments of the day, two young boys raced up to the fence down the way from me. Their Dad soon followed. As the sun was sharing it's tiniest last light, the boys were listening to their big teddy bear of a Dad call out to the sun, "Good-bye Mr. Sun!"
The boys echoed his words. And then he said something that will always stay with me...
"Thank you for the day Mr. Sun!"
And the boys, learning an invaluable lesson of love and gratitude sang back together, "Thank you for the day!"
The sun bowed in appreciation and then quickly melted as did my heart.
Wednesday, February 27, 2008
Not Just Another Pretty Sunset
Posted by
tracey clark
8:00 PM
Labels: kindness, Love Thursday, Shutter Sisters, themes

Sunday, February 24, 2008
Rainy Days and Mondays
Wednesday, February 20, 2008
One Tween for Two Themes
Since I'm totally obsessed with textures, I was thrilled that Theme Thursday at The Land of Ka was, what else, textures. Yay! And let me tell you, she's posted a great tutorial on the subject over there too.
And then of course I read Karen's Love Thursday post at Shutter Sisters and it stirred up so much motherly love within me that I couldn't resist sharing a recent shot of my oldest daughter for Love Thursday. And I thought I'd give it a little extra love and attention with one of NinianLifs textures. NinianLifs got some incredible stuff to play with.
So, as Karen's story runs through my head, I offer this image of my blossoming tween and I am recalling a day back when she was 18 months old when for a split second I thought I might lose her (long, exhausting story). That memory alone is all it takes to flood me with gratitude, appreciation, joy, and love love love for her and everything her independent adolescent attitude can dish up.
Just a little dose of motherhood perspective and it's all good. It's all good.
Posted by
tracey clark
6:55 PM
Labels: family, Love Thursday, motherhood, Shutter Sisters, themes

Sunday, February 17, 2008
Bloomin' Best Shot Monday
Lately, I have been longing for color. I don't know how else to say it. It's just that simple.
I do appreciate this time of year when living things go dormant, hiding themselves as they prepare for their grand re-entry into the warmth but I am finding myself in need of a bright vibrant splash of life-of true color in all it's glory.
I was going to buy myself some flowers but I waited until Valentine's Day in hopes that I would get something colorful. I was lucky enough to receive beautiful, deep red roses but still...the ache. What I need is the outdoors to begin the slow and steady revealing of spring's bounty.
And just in time, the little signs have started. And I have had to do nothing to bring it about but sit and wait. I'm giddy. Spring will be here before we know it.
Can you feel it?
Have any of the shots you captured lately left you giddy, feeling like hope is restored and that everything is as it should be?
Sunday, February 10, 2008
Wake Up Call
Happy Best Shot Monday!
On most mornings when I am shuffling around, trying to get out of the house to start the daily rounds, my girls run ahead to decorate the car windows with messages and pictures.
I wanted to share this with you today because I found it especially charming!
So...what shot brightens your day?
Hey Mom! Happy Birthday. Hope you have a HAPPY day. : )
Posted by
tracey clark
7:31 AM
Labels: Best Shot Monday, family, fun, kindness, motherhood

Saturday, February 09, 2008
My youngest daughter is a juice kid. I know, I know. It's not good to give kids too much juice. Even still, she loooooves her juice. And since she's a bit of a "sugar-hound", I have had my work cut out for me as far as the daily battle of getting her to eat right. ANY new product I come across that might make my plight a little easier is worth a try.
Enter Froose; the innovative new beverage for children that combines the best of organic whole grains and fruit to make a delicious and nutritious alternative to juice that is naturally low in sugar and a good source of fiber. Now, that's what I'm talking about.
If you're like me, you'll be happy to know that Froose is packaged in the ever convenient and oh-so-alluring jucie box-- environmentally friendly aseptic juice boxes to be exact. Coooool. That means, my daughter is getting the goods but she feels like she's getting a special treat too. And she is! Froose is a special treat. It goes way beyond just juice as it's made with whole grains and is sweetened with 100% fruit concentrates and organic brown rice syrup. This is the part about it that I LOVE..."Organic brown rice syrup is a very nutritive sweetener and delivers mainly complex carbohydrates rather than simple sugars. The combination of organic whole grains and brown rice syrup help prevent 'sugar spikes' often associated with fruit juices". Who knew? I sure didn't, but I am sure glad I do now.
Needless to say, Froose is a big hit with me and my four-year-old. I'm relieved that it got her seal of approval. My ten-year-old was excited to check it out too but the texture did not float her boat. You gotta figure that if you've got a beverage that's full of all that good stuff, it's not going to be a thin's going to be more like a smoothie. So, a word to those with older, more finicky children--when you give it a try, just bill it as a smoothie and you'll be good to go. The beauty of having a drink that packs a nutricious punch like this is that can be a snack in it's own right and I feel good about that.
I'm delighted to know that someone is finally offering a healthy drink alternative for our kids. Three cheers for Froose.
Edited to add--This review was written for MomCentral.
Wednesday, February 06, 2008
Love and Loss (almost)
We almost lost her today. Almost.

Tuesday, February 05, 2008
Got Dirt?
There's a CleanWell photo contest going on at Shutter Sisters!
It's a dirty world. Go out and enjoy it.
Take lots of pictures.
And enter the contest!
Sunday, February 03, 2008
Monday's Gifts
The other night while sitting at a bountiful table of full glasses, incredible women and glowing candles I helped celebrate a dear friend’s birthday. While thoroughly enjoying the camaraderie and lively conversation I was reminded that love and kindness come in many shapes and sizes. This particular evening they came in the form of twinkle lights and paper flowers. And birthday cake. But it was the vision of all the delicate flowers that has lingered. Handmade by one of the talented and generous women there, each flower bloomed out of love. I covet the one I brought home as it allows me to relive an evening cloaked in the beauty of caring.
Although perhaps a little less poetic, sometimes kindness can come in the shape of palm sized pink rectangles. I hope that the very deserving children who receive the DS Lites from Nintendo will feel that they are cared for. I know it takes more than a gift but a little extra something special can be a bright spot. Although I had at first planned on sharing details and links about these kids, I thought better of it and felt that discretion felt a little more appropriate The stories that you so bravely shared were intimate enough to just hold close. But, I will tell you though that the gifts went to very good homes. Thank you all so much for participating. I wish I had a truckload of DS Lites to give away as every one of the children you shared with me IS deserving and worthy. That is for sure. So, again, thank you.
And in the spirit of all things bright and beautiful, let me ask you, what shape does your Best Shot take this week?
Posted by
tracey clark
8:00 PM
Labels: beauty, Best Shot Monday, friends, gifts, inspiration, Nintendo, reflections