Yes, I'm doing it again.
Here's a little something of late that you might enjoy (especially if you have daughters)
The other night as I tucked my 8-year-old daughter into bed, I was stroking her back, as I do every night and was looking around her room. It was dimly lit by the hall light, but I could see just enough to remind me of what an incredibly strong, smart, and confident girl my husband and I are raising...
I said I was doing it again. If you want to read this piece in it's entirety it's
right here.
Seriously, I'm not just doing this for kicks but out of necessity. I'm finding it impossible for me to be everywhere at once, damn it, no matter how much I'd like to be. So this is the kind of thing you're probably going to have to get used to. My apologies.
And although I have no business being here today (because of other pressing commitments that I'm putting off to do this) I want to just elaborate on the
Mom Blogging group I've started at Minti. ONLY because a few of you asked. I know everyone is sick of registering at sites to get the goods, blah, blah. I get it. And I wish I had some great "about it" thing I could use to describe it but, truth be told, I don't know. It's my own idea that I have come up with and it's in it's infancy. Like any baby, there's no telling what soul could emerge as it grows. So, it's still kind of a mystery. I can tell you what I hope it will be. I hope it will be a group where the caliber of women involved sets the bar for some insightful dialogue and sharing of thoughts, tips, advice, rantings, and encouraging stuff. That's all I got for ya. I can tell you that there are 20 pretty awesome Mom Bloggers that are on board and the talk has started. If you come, then you too can have a hand in making it amazing.
And please, don't get me started on my new Flickr photo pool that I've begun that will be accompanying my ClubMom blog Picture This. OK, yes, it's true. I am starting one. Damn it. I can't help myself. And although I am not a big fan of the Flickr, I see what fun it could be in a group setting where we can share photos using the topics from Picture This. So, what do you say, you gonna click over and check that out too???????????????? It's called "Try to Picture This". I soooo know you're curious.